How I Quit Smoking Easily and Effortlessly

Like a narcissistic lover, Cigarette kept me in her grasp for years.

I've tried to quit. I used many techniques from prescription drugs to tapering apps and of course cold turkey. I attended smoking cessation classes, loaded up on vitamins and supplements, and stared at horrific photographs of destroyed lungs. The only thing that worked was pregnancy. For some reason I was able to stop smoking completely cold turkey when I found out I was growing a life in my belly. That's actually pretty amazing knowing tobacco and nicotine are more addictive than heroin.

But I would eventually pick up those abusive little sticks 14 to 18 months after I gave birth. Yes, I counted.

When I would quit (minus pregnancy) I would have horrific withdrawals. I became intolerable. I was a mean bitch! Anything and nothing would set my off, and I would go from 0 to Mad Rage in a quarter of a second. I didn't have to tell my kids to go to their rooms- they rush-slinked there willingly and thankful they had a retreat. Thank God there was never a chainsaw or sharp object nearby- I was that bad. I had a decent food craving, not as bad as I would have imagined, but definitely noticeable. And the insomnia was terribly irritating.

But it was the anger that drove me back to smoking. I couldn't handle how mean I was.

The last 18 months have been hell on me and my boys. We have been forced to go through things that have us a shiny PTSD diagnosis on our medical records. We are not in a good place, and life is detrimentally difficult, painful and sad.

I never could have imagined how easy it would be to stop smoking altogether, especially during the stress I have to deal with on a daily basis.

Vaping! Yes, those handheld devices you've seen more and more people inhaling the last couple years.

I was introduced to vaping in May of this year. A vape is a rechargeable battery operated device that is refillable with e-liquid which is tobacco free. The e-liquid is water vapor which comes in nicotine or nicotine free forms. The user inhales and quickly exhales the water vapor into a cloud which is thicker than cigarette smoke but dissipates faster. It also does not have a bad smell- it smells like the fruit or dessert flavoring used.

I enjoyed the flavor of the 12 mg nicotine vape I was introduced to, it was a clean and crisp strawberry kiwi melon flavor that tasted like natural fruits, so I decided to try it out for a couple days. Couldn't hurt.

I had given up store bought cigarettes a few years ago. Instead, I purchased organic tobacco leaves and rolled my own. I had decided that since I couldn't quit smoking at least I would use the "healthiest" version- none of the 400+ chemicals found in manufactured brands, just the nicotine in the tobacco leaf. No rat poison and rocket fuel for me!

I was smoking about 15 of my rolled cigarettes a day.

The day after I borrowed the vape, I only had five cigarettes. The following day, three. On day three and beyond- zero.

I have not smoked a cigarette since.

Whenever I had a craving, I would take a hit off my vape. It was that simple.

They make e-juice in almost any flavor you can think of. There's even tobacco flavor. But I stuck with fruits and candy, I figured if I was going to do this, I'd do it right and completely remove the "tobacco".

I had no food cravings, weight gain, or irritability. I lost my "smokers cough" in a week. My medical conditions require doctors visits up to twice a month, and I noticed my blood pressure lessened. I seem to have more energy now as well.

The strangest thing was what vaping did to the smell of cigarettes.

People who have successfully quit have told me they love the smell of cigarette smoke. If they walk through a billow, they get an intense craving- even after years of not smoking.

I absolutely can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke now. I abhor it. It makes me sick to my stomach.

There's no going back. I will never pick up another cigarette!

I began with 12 mg nicotine concentration, and then you taper down- 9mg, 6mg, 3mg, 1mg, 0mg.

Smoke free and happy. That's the way to be :)

Disclaimer: Check with your doctor if you are considering this, or another method or lifestyle change. I am not advocating vaping, or smoking, I am merely sharing my experiences. But if this is something you wish to try, I wish you the best of luck. There's even a medical term for this method- Nicotine e-liquid replacement. Some insurance even covers it so check your policy.

Be well my friends. If you are a smoker, please try to quit. Your health with reward you :)

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