Eliminating Toxic People is the Best Gift You Can Give Yourself

I am a feeler. Some people would call me “sensitive” as if it were a murky thing, or a number of other words with a negative connotation, but the fact is things overpower me. I feel everything more. I make my own cosmetics, soaps and perfumes because I am chemically sensitive- so much so that I have to hold my breath when walking by the laundry aisle. I am allergic to the sun, yes- it’s actually a thing! Not so much that I’m an albino but enough that I get an incurable rash for weeks.

Or perhaps I am a vampire and just never got the memo. ;)

The news drains me. Due to the fact there is so much not good reported in the news. They just don’t tend to focus on the happy and positive- I suppose it’s bad for ratings. There must not be many feelers like me, otherwise the news outlets would be changing their structure.

I am awakened by earthquakes so small that they barely register 1.2 on the Richter Scale. I feel your truth when you are pretending. When you are mad at me it feels like a punch.

And heartbreak literally brings me a sharp, wrenching, physical pain.


I feel the energy in the good things, too. I thrive on the good things, I am drawn to them like a drunk moth to the neon beer sign at last call. A hug relieves my pain! A simple, meaningful embrace means so much to me, and does a tremendous amount towards eliminating lingering negative energy. Deep down inside my being craves physical contact in the form of holding hands, looping arms, cuddling, and hugs. I need human contact to survive and thrive.

When I am asked the question “What animal would you be and why” my answer is “A retired lady’s housecat” to be pampered and cuddled all day ;)

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I may be more sensitive to energies than many, but everyone needs to eliminate as many toxic entities from their lives as possible. Negative people drain you of your energy. Sap you of your outlook. Tweak your view so your mirror appears cloudy. Negative people, kept around long enough, darken your subconscious. Walk with them and the path becomes overgrown with thorns. Stay on that path and the thorns get thicker to where even when you finally part ways your weed eater- which used to handle the task just fine, now gets choked and clogged.

Negative energy makes your land muddy and difficult to maneuver. Remove as many toxins as you can and you will ease your journey.

Life’s too short to place obstacles in your own path.

Eliminating toxic people is the best life insurance policy ❤

Images via Pixabay, Creative Commons and Giphy

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