To Build Your House You Must Destroy Limiting Behavior

I was wary about telling people about my idea to build a tiny house as an investment and teaching opportunity for my children. Many thoughts swam through such as people would think I would fail or call me out for being stupid because I know nothing about building.

I squashed these thoughts. They are a prime example of Limiting Behavior.

When tiny houses first came into my reality, I fell in lust immediately. The beautiful photos accompanied with stories of how simple it was to live in this new movement turned me on something fierce. I’ll admit it. I even created a website around Tiny Houses, and sold it for a decent profit a year later.

But it ended up being true love. After the honeymoon period I was still itching to build my tiny house. I drew and erased and drew plans until I had the perfect design to fit my needs. I dreamed different interior designs, researched toilets and showers, and pictured myself living in my tiny house. I decided on whitewashed wood and practiced the technique. I read instructions on everything from insulation to window applications.

I put the ring on it- I was in this for the long haul.

A huge bonus is my boys would learn important building and home repair skills. A plan formed: we begin building the tiny house now, and it will be live-in ready by the time my youngest goes off to college.

I am aware of the potential setbacks of course. As a single mom with no child support I do not have a spare dime that does not go to our absolute survival. So acquiring certain materials for the house, and even getting it started, will be quite the difficult task. However, I am choosing not to let that squash my dream to build my house.

You cannot be afraid to fail. People don’t care if you fail. It happens all the time and how many of your friends’ startups that failed do you think about on a constant basis.

Nobody cares if you fail! Only you! And if you fail, just brush yourself off and start again.

Do not let limiting behavior stop your dreams.

I can't wait until I can begin building my house :) It'll be quite the adventure!

Images with Permission by Tiny Hall House

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