How To Lose Weight In 2018 | Fulfill Your New Year Resolution

This is for those who made their New Year Resolutions and had "losing weight" as one of their topmost goals. I presume you would have started work on your resolutions already and if you haven't, well then its not too late to start!

Being January it is really cold in most countries in the Northern Hemisphere and the urge to go out for a jog must be quite less as compared to the rest of the year. Even less must be the inclination to work out at home or in the gym. The comfort of a warm bed and catching up on sleep or on missed programs on cable gain a high priority on anyone's list in this season. Naturally, it is quite tempting to put off all your efforts until spring.

If you're in the southern part of the globe where it is warm and sunny you have no excuse!


Athletes ramp up their training in the winter so that they are in peak fitness when summer sets in. You could do the same and start losing weight and gain muscle so that you could look your best in summer. After all summer is the time when your body shape is for all to see, compared to winter where you are hidden beneath several layers of furry clothes. If you wait till summer you may be late and won't be able to show off your new reduced weight.

Get Some Heat

Winter is a good time to exercise with some workout music to set your adrenaline pumping. Get some new mixes on your play list and get moving.

Use Technology

In 2018 you must use technology to your advantage. There are quite a few apps that can help you exercise. Runtastic and Runkeeper will provide you with data on your runs and walks, something that will provide you with impetus to do even more. Workout apps will show you how to get the best out of your exercises.

You can go one step ahead and get yourself a fitness tracker. There are cheap Chinese ones that will give you basic information about steps taken and calories burnt and more expensive ones. Fitbit advanced trackers will give you an entire gamut of information on how you are doing so that you can better your performance in the days ahead. With technology on your side, or on your wrist, you can only move ahead and never have to look back.

Home Workouts

Don't want to go out or make a trip to the gym? No problem. Do a "High Intensity Interval Training" session at home. There are videos on YouTube that you can use for instruction. You can save the time that you go and come from the gym and give yourself an excellent workout in half the time. No need to spend any money or face the cold either.

A Word Of Caution

It is very important to make sure that you do enough warm up exercises before doing any workout. There is a greater risk of injury when it is cold. Also make sure that you consume enough nutrients to keep you away from colds and sniffles.

Hope this helps you to make good on your New Year Resolution to lose weight. Start now and look good in your summer clothes.

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Image sources: Pixabay, Giphy

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