Camping Observation: We Were Not Prepared Pt.5


We hiked for an hour more before we hit a heavy stream of water cutting across our path, this was probably due to heavy rain from the previous day.

We were not prepared for this at all, and our options were to find another path around or to link arms and try to cross the stream together, but this would meant all our clothes and equipment getting soaked.

We looked around for another path but the stream runs for miles and our current path was the safest spot to cross. After talking 5 minutes to talk it over with my friends we decided to pull out our plastic bags for our electronic devices, and started to link arms in preparation to head into the freezing and fast flowing stream.

We took a deep breath, and just as we were about to step into the stream we saw something heading towards us which made us stop.

To be continued…

You can find the other parts here:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five (This Post)
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight

P.S. It's Sunday, 13th of May. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all mothers!! Mums are the BEST!


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