11th series of Fetus development stages|| Find out the growth of your fetus at 21weeks, advice to supportive partner/ find out your due date


Welcome to this week pregnancy series I know you are going through emotional stress and some depression at this stage but you are really trying to cope with it. Let's see what is happening at this week.


This week your fetus is 26.9cm long from head to heal and weighs about 400 grams. This week the fetus continues to make red blood cells with the help of iron, so at this stage your iron storage may suddenly drop and you will be feeling very tired , short of breath and you as the mother is at risk of amemia in pregnancy so take your supplements seriously. The bone marrow is the major contributor of making red blood cells to help the fetus, but will soon be the main producer in subsequent weeks. Taste bud is already developed and your fetus can taste any food you eat when swallowing the amniotic fluid. The digestive system is maturing as well this week, the pancreas have started producing enzymes that breaks down food for digestion, the small intestine is also growing. The eye lid is beginning to separate.



This week your bump is noticeable and more movement should be expected, stretch marks will appear as your tummy is expanding so expect more of it. You may also experience oily skin and acne which is caused as the result of hormones, wash your face with warm water every morning and evening. You will also experience more cravings, forgetfulness, Heartburns, leg cramps, low backaches, skin changes, mood swings, feet swelling and more all this depends on individual you may not even experience this at all or you may experience few of this.


🤰Drink a lot of water

🤰 Avoid stress

🤰Do a little excercise

🤰Start planning how your nursery will be

🤰Start buying your baby essentials things

🤰Eat balance diet

🤰Take your supplements



I know you both are happy since you are expecting a baby, and at this time your dear wife is going through a lot of worries or stress for example women worried about the health of the baby, marriage relationship, financial constraints, worried about breastfeeding, gender, reality of becoming a mother, health issues, other home responsibilities, planning of buying baby things etc. Too much stress affect the pregnancy and the baby, your Pregnant wife can go through depression if you don't help her with most of this things so you need to try and help her maintain a good health and be free from stress by helping her do the following;

🤰 Take her out for relaxation, spend quality time with her each day.

🤰Do excercise with her like swimming and walking.

🤰Be observant and try to recognise when she needs help and assist even if she doesn't ask for help.

🤰 Help her go to bed early.

🤰Help with some chores at home.

🤰Have some fine time with her to relief her of some worries.

🤰Talk to her about your expected baby and then plan together how the nursery will look like.

🤰Do the baby shopping together.

Doing all this and more will also help relief her of some stress, please be the caring and loving husband that she needs at this time.



Illicit use of drugs in pregnancy should be totally avoided since this may cause a lot of health issues including; Preterm labour, birth defect, miscarriages etc.

Drugs such as Marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, over-the-counter medicines, caffeine, alcohol can cause a lasting effect on the unborn baby. Avoid medication that are not prescribed to you by the doctor, it may not be safe for you and your baby, please not all medications are safe in pregnancy. Therefore if you feel any cramps or pain anywhere see your doctor or your midwife rather than prescribing medication for yourself it is harmful to do so since you may not know analgesic that are safe for you and your unborn baby.


Your last menstrual date is really important in calculating your expected date of delivery (EDD) assuming your last menstrual date was 18/8/2022 let's go into the calculation and see when you will deliver and how many weeks you are now

The formula is; add 7 days to the day, add 1 year to the year and subtract 3 months from the month.

Day ----- 18+7 =25

Month ------- 8-3 =5

Year -------- 2022+1 = 2023

Therefore your EDD is 25/5/2023

To calculate for weeks; months is being used Star from your last menstrual period day to count, so from 18/8/2023 let's calculate

August ------ it has 31 days, so from 18 to 31 is 2 weeks

September ------ there are 30 days in September, 4 weeks and 1 day

October ------- we are currently in October and today date is 14 so we are 2 weeks in October already


August ------ 2 weeks and 0 day

September ----- 4 weeks and 1 day

October -------- 2 weeks and 0 day

Let's add all the weeks and day together
2+4+2= 8 weeks

Let's add the day 0+1+0= 1 day

You are 8 weeks and 1 day old pregnant assuming your last day of menstrual period was 18/8/2022


Enough things has been discussed today and I know you are enjoyed today lessons, please continue to take care of yourself and your unborn baby, build the bond talk to your baby, sing and read stories to the baby they can listen to sounds at this stage. Next week lessons will be great, I will talk about birth defect and Anemia in pregnancy. Let's see you all in next week as you enjoy your new week of pregnancy. I'm always open to questions please you are free to private chat me on WHATSAPP on any private issues Bye see you

Feel free to leave your questions at the comment section of this post, or chat me up on WHATSAPP 08039426715 if you have a private issue for more professional advice, if you are pregnant 🤰 and leaving within Uyo, Nigeria please ImaBridge medical center is offering free antenatal check and free delivery to all Pregnant women, come and be a beneficiary as you will be monitored and care for through out your pregnancy journey

The Previous Series:

1, 2 , 3 ,4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8, 9,10



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