Hi friends!
First I show you the freehand drawing of a closet.
Visually determine the midpoint of this line, with practice you will get to do it accurately.
Then, make the mark on the paper...
Move the paper ruler to check if the measurement is correct.
So on for all the drawing.
Hatching on this side...
Make all lines more visible.
Please, watch the video and try to practice drawing some shapes to exercise.
I wish you a very nice day and good exercise!
Take part in this week's HOMEWORK CONTEST!
Here are the links to the previous related posts.
1-Introduction - 2-Introduction - 3-Introduction - 4-Introduction -
5-Introduction - 6-Lesson - 7-Lesson - 8-Lesson - 9-Lesson - 10-Lesson -
11-Masterclass - 12-Homework Contest - 13-Lesson 14-Lesson