59th Edition Sotall Directory of Homesteading, Survival, Foraging How to Posts

I apologize for this issue being late. I am pretty much bed ridden right now and will not be online much for the next couple of weeks. I got into a fight with a metal bed frame and the dang thing knocked me to the floor and beat the crap out of me. My foot and pubic bone are both fractured and I am black and blue from my waist to my toes on the left side. I've been spending 95% of my time in bed. Few people can say they got beat up by a bed frame, but I am one of the lucky few that can claim that title, lol. This too shall pass. I am trying to at least get some upvotes in each day, but I am not accomplishing as much of that as I would like. So as I get to where I can sit for more than 5 minutes, things will start to get back to normal.

Survive, Thrive, and Be Prepared

Your knowledge has power and value. It can help people learn to survive and thrive while becoming better prepared to face whatever life may throw their way! Write a post on Steemit showing how to do something that fits our theme. Then, please submit the URL of your post to Sotall!

Highlighted posts for this issue!

@motinkergnome shows you step by step how he made a Froe (aka shingle-splitter)

Make a Froe, Or shingle splitter

Whether you are trying to build some extra space at the homestead, need to build a home from scratch using materials the land provides or needing a roof over the chicken house, this would be an extremely good tool to ensure your building stayed rain free on the inside!

@alexdory provide an intelligent look at things you should consider to ensure you get the correct land and build the correct home for your homestead.

Building a cheap and energy-efficient smarter house by understanding basic science

Thinking about things like consistency of wind, direction, current vegetation, and many other things BEFORE you start building your house can save you money while you are still on the grid and make life much more comfortable with less effort when you go off the grid (no matter the reason).
Check it out!

@sagescrub talks about how and why they decided to rent land for a homestead

How I Ended Up Renting an Off Grid Homestead (and Why)

If you can’t do what you want, do the best you can do and work toward it! @sagescrub is the perfect example of this sort of winning attitude and has made a GREAT life for them in the process.

@hopfarmnc talks about the Ruth Stout planting method and shows how they are using it on their place.


This looks like it would be easier for those of us with limited ability to bend and lift. Might need some help getting it started the first year, but the upkeep after that would be simple!

Featured Recipes

DIY | Love Veggie Chips

DIY | Love Veggie Chips

I haven’t tried this one yet, but this sounds like a great way to get more veggies and it allows me to use only the lower carb veggies too! They look delicious and I can’t wait to give them a try!

@astrizak shows you how to roast Jerusalem Artichoke to make coffee

Making coffee from Jerusalem artichoke (topinambour)

I am not a coffee drinker so someone will have to let me know how it goes, but I know how many people love their coffee and will be in bad shape if the SHTF. Now you have another alternative to try.

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That’s all for this time. Till we meet again…
Here’s one last thing to think about.

It makes no sense taking life so seriously that you can’t find something to laugh about every single day.

May you and yours have health, happiness, wealth and peace in your lives!

Love and Peace
From Denise

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