My Micro Award For A Micro Achievement ~ The MultiColored 33 1/3 ~ Original Content ~

You too might be deserving of this award!

Not long ago, I visited Graceland, home of the late, great Elvis Presley, and I noticed a whole bunch of shiny gold records hanging on his many walls. These awards were bestowed upon him in recognition of a massively large number of record albums being sold during his long, storied career. An idea was born...

The Multicolored 33 1/3 Award

Small, achievable goals are always a good thing to recognize, and as such, I have decided to bestow upon myself an award for a major minor accomplishment. My STEEMIT account has reached an official 33 followers. And thus, this multi-colored, 33 1/3 display record I am giving to myself, which will be hung on my virtual wall of success, in recognition of the 33 of you STEEMIAN's out there that have signed on and followed me in the past month on this site. I could not have done it without you. I greatly appreciate your support and thank you for taking the time to follow me. A thank you as well to the folks that vote for my creations.

Wow, 33 1/3...ONE THIRD of the way to that vaunted milestone of the glorious 100 followers!!!

Just Think

Only one more of these milestones to go...and I will reach 66 2/3 of the way to that magical number. And after that, dare I think it...and all goes well, and ANOTHER 33 1/3 folks sign up, we just might make it all the way up that ever-steep, glorious plane of accomplishment.

I'm going to be proactive here, and send out my sincere apologies to the next STEEMIT'ian that signs on to follow my blog, as they may only be counted as .333 of a real signee, at least mathematically speaking. Please don't take it personally, I really have no choice. I don't make up the math that explains the Universe, I just follow it around wherever it goes.
So...thanks again to everyone out there, and FULL STEEM AHEAD.

The Original 33 1/3 Award ~ In All Of Its Splendor

Post Script No. 1 - Special thanks to @anca3drandom for demonstrating the technique for drawing mandala's. I could not come remotely close to your level of art, but the circle technique you demonstrate allowed me to stay within 10.47% of the lines within which I attempted to stay within, while lettering the album. Thanks for the help.

Post Script No. 2 - I am wondering if this might make a good public award, so I am searching out opinions. What do you all out there in the Land of Steem think about - that if/when I note that a fellow STEEM person has reached 33 followers, I might bestow the 33 1/3 record of award onto them on their site, in a comment, for recognition of this major minor accomplishment in their world of STEEMIT? Please let me know what you think. My thought was something like the one below. Thanks.

Please Check Out My Other Posts, If You So Desire

Cats Really Do Have It Made
Ottoman Mars-Big Game Hunters From Mars Killed Our Dinosaurs -Part: 2
The Department Of OMG-Ottoman Mars -Part: 1
A Letter From The Cat
To Be A Bee At The End Of "To Be"
Happy Curmudgeon Halloween
"Moonrise" Over Solace, Oregon
Shoe Shots No. 1
It'sa Dog's Life-Work

One Minute Poem-Ode To The First of November
Oh To Be A Cat Today
An Iris Through The Iris//Garden Standpipe//Split-Sunset Tree//IfTulipsGrewOnMars // A Grassy Road After Winter Rains // Fall Leaf In Difficult Light-Color // Simple Sunset-Color // Shrubbry Up Close-B&W // Photo Challenge 15/Spider Webs-Humor-Autumn Beauty // Photo Challenge 15/Spider Webs 2 // Photography Challenge 15/Spider Webs 1

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