Let Me Caress Your Words...

...so they flow like fine wine into your longing readers mindscapes. I will polish your sentences 'till they are as lustrous as silken sheets. Whip those nouns and verbs into submission…

Ahem- Is it getting hot in here?

Hello my fellow Steemians! For those of you who are not aware, I am an editor with Steemits very own @blue-pencil along with the ever impressive sugar and spice -@hopehuggs and @marxrab.

With a combined total of 17 years of experience writing, ghostwriting, editing, and formatting for the web, your Steemit @Blue-Pencil editors will edit and format your post so it attracts more readers, gains more followers, and sparks more conversation in your comments.

You will benefit from our services if:

  • You want your posts to appear more professional.
  • You publish quality, original content but do not know how to format.
  • English is not your first language. You need English editing and proofreading so that you sound like a native speaker.
  • You are new to the world of writing for the web.

Meet your editors!


Helen (aka HopeHuggs) has 5 years experience ghostwriting (writing other people's articles.) She is looking forward to helping lots of Steemians create great posts that get noticed.

Her Steemit page is HERE

Contact Hope on Discord @HopeHuggs#5222

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My name is @marxrab and I love writing, researching, and the world of education. I'm currently finishing my doctorate in Sociology and have experience teaching college level classes and working as a program evaluator for non-profit organizations.

Her Steemit page can be found HERE

Contact Rab on Discord @marxrab#8339

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ArbitraryKitten is a suspense, YA, and romantic comedy author, and relationship and satire columnist. She runs several websites and has been writing for the web since 2009.

Her Steemit page is this one right here ;)

Contact Kitten on Discord @ArbitraryKitten#6884

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To connect with us in Discord Chat click HERE and start a chat with the editor of your choosing. Please include the link to your post in the message.

Depending on the length of your post, @blue-pencil editing services are $5 SBD to $7 SBD.

Editing services are on a first come, first serve basis during periods of high demand. Reserve your spot today and have our editors help you make your post shine like a sparkly vampire.

Please visit your editor's pages and introduce yourself! We work hard to make Steemit a beautiful and positive place and treasure your support :)

Images via the editors, Creative Commons and Pixabay

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I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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Remember to follow


animated-arrow-image-0314 The High Costs of Being a Single Mother in America
The Childhood Anxiety Epidemic. What Can We Do?
Create a Vision Board
What's Your Individuality Profile?
Spark Curiosity While Solving Real World Problems
Alternative School ~ No Longer a Bad Word
Don't Be a Moron
Slay Writers Block with StoryCubes
When Your Human Brothers Won't Play With You
Join the Mindfulness Challenge!
Sax and the City ~ an Everyday Erotica Original
The Universe is in a Constant State of Flow. So Must You Be.
Do it Right! CPR With a Song
Best Halloween Costumes Ever!


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