When You Feel Like All Hope Is Gone

It is not strange for us to sometimes feel like all hope is gone and it is definitely no fault of ours. Life can get overwhelming sometimes- the fears, the struggles, the pains etc. And when it gets all messy, we tend to lose sight of the light (hope).

Our sense of hope gives us the push we need to keep living, loving, growing and trying to make things happen. And when we can't feel that hope anymore, we are bound to sink back and probably disappear from the whole scene (when we are supposed to be the hero)

Once life seems overwhelmingly tough, the weight of our struggles tend to crash on us; all our struggles that seemed futile and that feeling of hopelessness begins to creep in. And if we let it find a "home" in us(which we can do with our thoughts), it becomes a parasite in us, making it really hard to leave.

Once that feeling of hopelessness sets in, we tend to sit back, sulk all day and stop "living" because we believe that everything we try will be hopeless so there is no need to even try. You stay away from your friends, you quit trying to make life better for yourself (and others) etc.

We might not be able to stop ourselves from feeling overwhelmed, afraid or stressed out and that's because we are only humans, we have feelings and emotions. And that isn't a weakness. But we can stop it from ruling ourlives.

In as much as we can't stop ourselves from feeling that way most of the time, we shouldn't let that feeling rule (its a feeling) our lives. Don't give it a place to stay for far too long, don't entertain it.

On those days when you feel really hopeless, don't focus on that which is hopeless. Most times, it is not our whole lives that is the issue, it is a part of it (big or small). It might be easier to focus on that part which doesn't seem to work out, it might seem like it is because you want to make it better (but can't).

But, you really can't make the change you want when the feeling of hopelessness is already there, focus on those parts of your life that seem hopeful, it may inspire you to have hope again. And then, you can work on making those other parts better.

Understand that your happiness doesn't have to depend on things around you and your worth isn't defined by these things either. If we always feel like our worth is attached to how many things we do, then that feeling of hopelessness might sink in quite often.

Lighten up your thoughts, keep them positive and uplifting. Nobody's words are gonna uplift you if your thoughts don't. In as much as it is great to have people that will uplift your spirit during these times, you can't be truly uplifted if you don't start it from within.

When you fall down and you feel like your strength isn't enough to get you back up again, just try and you will be surprised at what's gonna happen.

You may fall more than once but that doesn't mean you are hopeless. The struggle might get intense, but that doesn't mean hope is gone. The darkness might lurk around for quite long, but the light will still shine someday. The night is there because there will be a morning, with the night there, you might even learn to appreciate the morning more when it comes.

Just remember that when you feel that way, hope isn't gone, you just lost sight of it and someday, you are gonna see it again!


Much Love, Audrey

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