What Kind Of People Do You Spend Time With?

As we walk through life, we are bound to meet people on our way, build a connection with them and with time, they become a part of us. We might find ourselves spending more and more time with them.

There are countless reasons why we choose to spend time with certain people, but whatever the reason is, I believe it should be geared towards living a good and fulfilled life (for ourselves and for them as well).

No doubt, the people we spend time with have an influence on us to an extent and contribute to making our lives better (or not so better).

They are sometimes the reason for our smile. Sometimes the reason for our pains. Sometimes the reason for our progress and other times, the reason for the decisions we make. They even help shape our personality sometimes.

Yes, they contribute that much to our lives, and so it is essential that we keep those people who give the right kind of influence.

It is so easy for us to get caught up in the attachment and familiarity, that even when we discover how the people around us are not contributing positively to our lives or letting us contribute to theirs, we hardly take steps out of that relationship. Because we are just too attached to them.

We fear we might be alone once we cut ties with them, so we settle for toxicity. We fear we might seem cruel, so we rather stay safe and keep them around. But when we act that way, it is neither serving us nor them.

While it will be great to carry everyone that started with us all throughout our lives, we simply can't. We need to understand that and walk away when we need to.

The people we spend time with are mostimes a reflection of yourself and often influence how you think about yourself.

Keep positive people around, because you will need a whole lot of positivity (from you and others) while walking through life.

Keep people who see your worth and treat you with respect because they, to an extent shape your view of yourself. We can't escape that fact. While you need to understand your sefl-worth, your effort might seem futile if the people you spend most of your time with don't.

Keep people who don't see anything wrong in celebrating your success and don't mind helping you reach your goal.

Keep people who are comfortable telling you the truth, no matter how tough it may seem.

We all deserve to be around people that help us thrive, people that are willing to help us reach our dreams not put us down, people that are not afraid to love us, and people that see our worth.

As you work on getting the right kind of influence around you, you should put an effort into being a good influence around others as well. Because just like you, others deserve having the right kind of people around.


Much Love, Audrey

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