Do What You Need to Do -- Not What You Want to Do... A Lesson My Mentor Taught Me 👨‍🎓

Far too often we choose what our heart tells us, our feelings and emotions. This is good in many ways but to become driven, continue to excel, grow and expand we must stay intelligent about our choices. Plan and stick to it no matter what.

This message was taught to me by a very successful entrepreneur that is in his late 20's. In just 5 years he became one of the most influential online entrepreneurs. Each and every year he is expanding his business, finances, and overall education. He continues to excel so quickly, it really makes you think how people do that.

Now he mentors business professionals that have been in the game for over 25 years. They have been in business longer than he's been alive. They value and improve so much from his opinion. The amount of amazing information he provides at all times, is truly astonishing.

There are 2 factors on why this amazing growth is happening.

  1. He follows the lesson Do what you need to do, not what you want to do religiously! He does not have moments of weakness where he slacks off for the day. Once he learns something valuable, usually from the best sources, he applies it then and there forever! That is the only way for this to work. If you start to slack and not follow through, you will create the opposite effect before you know it.

  2. He pays top dollar to listen to top professionals all the time. The reason why he has accomplished so much in such a small period of time, is his application to some of the best coaches in the industry. Since he started, he has always paid to listen to the top professionals in the topics he needs to learn about(25k for an hour at times). Then he applies them immediately and when you apply the corrects steps in any subject, you make leaps and bounds!!!

He learned that message above and applied it since day one. Such an important lesson on how if you get the right steps and apply them, you will achieve things faster then you can ever believe.

Btw, he is on his way to 50 million now. Half way there.


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