Never Be Sorry For Who You Are or Your Beliefs!

Do you ever have guilt from the need to feel sorry or have to explain yourself because the other person may have misinterpreted, got there feelings hurt, have some moral to keep up with people/society??

Sure it's great to be a caring person and not saying here that you shouldn't be. If you have your path, plan, and morals in check, doing the best of your ability.... Not trying to hurt anybody, have good intentions with what you do. You should never be sorry or have to apologize to anyone who may get offended by your demeanor, plans, goals, or beliefs.

Just because some people have fear, scarcity, and no control over there emotions, does not mean you should bow down to this weak state of being. You need to know who you are, what you want, and stand up for it completely because this is the only way to accelerate, to accomplish your goals.

Once I started owning what I wanted to say, was not worried about how I sound or what I believe in, people responded well to this. They see the confidence and believe what you tell them. Even a more offended person will respond better if you show you know what your talking about.

If you have to explain yourself, the person is most likely not a supporting positive influence. You do not need to explain yourself to your friends, your supporters, your team members, so why give the time of day for this unproductive discussion?

Never be sorry.... Say what you need to.... The world appreciates up front truth but only when you are unapologetic.


My Previous Posts

VLOG #5 - How to Improve your Steemit Profile to Earn MORE Rewards and be a TOP User!!

Drop the EGO! Do Not Think You are Special or Smart.

Know that You Don't know Everything.... Better to Think You know Nothing!!

Talk about Other Peoples Interests, Not Your Own! Here's Why

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Online Income Opportunities # 2 - eCommerce with Shopify

Having a Niche on Steemit could Propel YOU to the TOP in the Future!!

Steemit VS LinkedIn... Noticed Similarities and a Strategy to Implement Here!!

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