Experimenting with Intuition - My Shocking Results!!

You intuition is within you, look deep within yourself and listen to uncap its full potential.

Intuition will guide you to your destiny and truth. It will take you to safe places to protect you when needed. You will see people's true souls and not be fearful even by the most intimidating people.

Your Conscious mind relays on the 5 physical senses. Sight, Sound, Feel, Hear, and Taste.
Block out your conscious mind and any outside influences to be guided by it.

The Subconscious mind takes in thousands of bits of information everyday. Information that slips past our conscious minds attention is perceived and saved for a future moment.

Every detail since birth is store here!!

More on the Conscious & Subconscious Mind HERE in my last Post <<<<

Your Subconscious mind can even pick up things from the past or future. It can read people and where they have been, where they are going or need to go. Same goes for yourself. You do not necessarily need to digest the new information, you can pick up energy feelings or knowledge jut from your higher selves infinite intelligence. (Eg. De Ja Vu, Psychic readings)

When I started to practice listening and becoming more aware of my intuition. It blew my mind what happened!
All within a week and the only time I have ever practiced something like this or just really trying to understand when my intuition was speaking to me.

My Two Incredible Stories:


I went to the supermarket and had to pick up some rice vinegar for somebody(something I don't usually buy ever) and went to a store I usually don't shop at... was just convenient at the time.

I seared the whole store, every single aisle and could not find this whatsoever. My frustration was kicking in because I did not want to have to go visit another store all over again just for this one item.

This was just when I started to practice in trying to become more aware and tap into it when needed.
Right before I was about to give up, I stopped and just stood there quietly not thinking or expecting anything.
I kid you not, for the most oddest reason, something inside me said international section.

I've already went through the vinegar section and another aisle that had some vinegar's so I assumed there was noway it was in the store, hence the frustration. Once I heard the international section, something in me had such assurance it was there. I had even gone down this aisle already.

Well I guess you know what happened next. It was there! I was amazing because nothing like that has happened to me ever and I was practicing this skill just this week!! Never have I done anything remotely like this and have not learned much about it until now.


Was in my kitchen eating while outside we had a contractor working on our chimney bricks. I haven't talked to him at all and have not seen him come inside the house yet at all. (He was there since the previous day)

I thought to myself, not consciously but the thought just pop in my head, didn't really recognize or think anything of it.
"This guy is going to come ask me for something."

Not even 60 seconds later, he opens the door himself and just asks, could you get me a bucket of water. One minute later and I am helping him out laughing to myself how bizarre this whole situation was. I must of heard him thinking or something like that. Which is a skill you can build up over time.

I've never noticed anything similar in my life until this week. Really incredible!!
Meditation helps increase your intuition abilities by practicing the silencing of thoughts and chatting in your head.
Then train yourself by recognizing when it does speak to you.
Know the difference of emotional influence, past pattern actions/thoughts, ego.

Intuition comes to you instantly without having to try to think. You brain is very intelligent and has all the information in most cases, start to notice when it is your intuition, usually it will be the first thing that pops in your head.


Write down your experiences as this will open up new experiences as you are creating more awareness every time.

Taking notes is very important to open up the info in your awareness, creates more ideas, and helps you remember more.

Pay attention to all the possibly guides of your intuition. Wonder, have fun with it, and build more awareness.

Notice your surroundings. Eg. Think about what people were wearing today & yesterday.

Be aware of others people energy and how it is influencing you but don't emotionally feel it. Move away from bad energy by putting a imaginary protective shield around your whole body. If you are aware and your mind is not busy, you will see what energy they have. Even take note of your own energy, write down how it is and what you notice. (Nervous, tense, excited, tired)

Open up your imagination. You can do this with a simple non emotional question. "I wonder ____________?"

These are some really great ways to start to become more aware of your intuition.

The main concepts are simple though. Quite the mind and become more aware. You will be amazed by how you can flow through life so easily and enjoyably.

What are your thoughts on this post? Have you had any experiences with intuition??
If so please share with us all!

Hope you enjoyed this as much as I had experiencing and writing it.

Matthew aka @bitdollar

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