I DO NOT MATTER - Jim Carrey Speech... We Are All Just Matter 👨‍🎤👩‍🎤


Jim Carrey has been speaking a lot lately about how we do not matter. I think it is an amazing understanding that we should diminish the ego. I recently spoke about his red carpet “blow up” as Hollywood saw it but I totally could see where Jim was going with his comments. A couple months ago I came up with the most amazing affirmation ever and it really puts you into a humble perspective. You can see what I said on the last video and the affirmation is, I DO NOT MATTER.

Why do I love this affirmation? As Jim Carrey speaks about in his latest speech, he mentions how we are suppose to say, we are important, we are going to be alright, whatever we dream is going to come true. What he is getting at is so very important for all of us, not just Hollywood elites that are on the pedestal.

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Using this Affirmation

This is why I love to say this affirmation I DO NOT MATTER because we are often always thinking of ourselves. We put so much importance on this identity of us in the world. When I started to let down my ego and open up to so many people, I often have to be very aware of how I speak to people. Stop myself before I speak about myself. To not get worked up to say my opinion, my thoughts, talk about MY day and MY dreams. Just stop and listen, ask questions, be open to others. And even that, others do not matter, we all do not matter, and we are all just here, living.

As I’ve learned to become a better communicator and creating relationships, I have found it is all giving importance to the other person because everyone loves talking about themselves and thinking about themselves. This is a huge problem for all of us and our society.


A few days ago I had to reaffirm myself and say this again and again because I felt my ego getting worked up. So I sat down quietly and said I do not matter, I do not matter and then something else added to it. I do not matter because we are all just matter. We are all just energy! We are nothing really, so to put such a high importance on ourselves is just detrimental to our spiritual being.

As I mentioned in previous videos, as I was taught. We are all so insignificant in this world. If the top 100 most influential people in the world died tomorrow, the richest people on the planet were gone, the world would go on perfectly beautiful. We are all so insignificant!

This puts a great perspective on ourselves and if we do not, we can create false thought patterns that prevent us from finding ourselves, connecting to our highest force, which is the greatest place for us to be.

Our Importance

We do not need an importance of ourselves, our families, and our material property. We truly are all one, all divine and connected through energy as Jim says. Disconnecting from it all gives us a freedom we could only wish for. What we are truly all searching for, that true essence of peace, love, and freedom.

In this world we are often all trying to develop certain identities and this is steering us away from our only one. Which is nothing; we are all just one, connected with all here on earth and beyond.

Our ego is being inflated and destroying us without us even realizing it is happening. Everyone is pushing you to be something that could hurt you in the future. And us propping ourselves up to the society pressures of success.

Jim says something so powerful. The happy place is realizing that you are everything and that there is no real you involved in the first place. Everything we build up in us is just ideas, nothing else.

The Video goes in more Detail

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What I've Learned

I really learned a ton on ego and negative emotions. Most egos from what I’ve learned are just negative emotions. They dictate your life without you even knowing. My pride, envy, jealously, and so on was prevents me from being myself and chasing my true dreams. When you give yourself such importance, it really holds you back from opening up a blossoming world.

I Do Not Matter - I started to say this to myself when I am with people and I talk to much. What an amazing change this unfolds! This really makes you listen more, value people more on there opinions and experiences. It starts to take the pride out of your life, the narcissism, and old patterns that seem tough to break.

What are your thoughts on this affirmation and what Jim has been saying?


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