Trying to be Perfect will Prevent ACTION!!👨‍🏫👩‍🎓

Needing to be prepared before you start

Many people have such a hard time getting started in something or give up easily because of how they think they will be judged or looked at based on what they assume (which is almost never the case), or based on fear and worry that they are not doing it correctly. They stop themselves from ever doing what they know they should do or want to do.

This destroys so much potential for everyone! You are letting your fear dictate your decisions and your assumptions are preventing you from entertaining actions because you need to look professional or how people may judge you.

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I have failed so many times, looked completely ridiculous and stupid in my life. I have no worries on what people will perceive me as. I know who I am, I love myself and know it does not matter what people think. If you do things based on how you think people want you to do them, you are not living your life, you are living a life based on what people or society thinks you should.

This is the same as emotions dictating your life. This is huge if you can really understand this simple concept. Do not let emotions or things make your decisions because YOU are not living your life then!!!

I see this happen with SO many people, even some of the brightest people. I was always a failure growing up, getting in trouble, failing in school my whole life, even as a kid. This is how I figured out how practice makes perfect and persistence brings results!!


Taking action is how you will find your passion, interests, or what you want to do for work in your life. I do and try everything that makes sense. Nobody holds me back and I have no guilt in it. What does that sound like.........freedom? It is very liberating... I will tell you that.

This blog and my YouTube channel are a perfect example. So often when I send a video to somebody, family members or people I just meet. They come back to me with all the errors I made.

For me I love it because you need real criticism to find the things you need fixing with. Often we may block it out cause we don’t want to criticize ourselves or just see our errors. Most people would not want anybody to see there “Un perfected” work because of the judgement they will receive and then may not even do it in the first place.

Most people will not see the action you take as a positive. They want to pick what you are not doing...maybe because they are not doing it or it’s just their habits? Either way it should not prevent you from moving forward in life. It’s positive feedback to improve.

Create Simple Goals

My main goal here is to put out content and not have it perfected because we are not perfect and we never will be! Doesn’t mean I won’t do my best or be the best but it’s important to remember. I will figure it out as I go. I can accomplish a ton while I suck at what I do.

This is how many do not execute many or any tasks. I am not perfect and not trying to show that. I get better by putting out more content and get more engagement through that. I will get better on production and quality as time goes on. It is very powerful to put yourself in vulnerable positions I have found.

Life Examples

This has happened my whole life. I became a stock trader when I was 20. People always asked, did you go to school for that? Did you have some serious education?? No I did it. I read books, listened to people but mostly I just took action and guess what? _I had massive success. This has applied for so many things in my life... Even in things that I failed 100 times in first.

This puts you more in the mode of action, building that pattern is so important! Instead, most people who need everything to line up perfectly before they do something, won’t do anything at all.

Other examples I have noticed is the gym and exercising. Since a car accident when I was around 19 I had to go to the gym to prevent pain with my herniated disc. I just go always and I get results. Others make all the excuses and never go! My workout partner cancelled, I need some workout clothes, I am waiting to get the new beats headphones before I start.

You need to get your butt in the gym is what you need to do, nothing more.

Another is people starting business or applying for jobs. They will not start because they are not “educated” enough, need more information first. Believe they are not qualified to apply for a job. Your persistence, your determination, your action is 90% of it!! Everyone is already acting too scared to be bold; there is enough of that already. This is what makes or breaks people.

Do Not Stop Yourself

Do not be prevented from doing things because of how you look, not being professional, not educated, these are all made up assumptions in your mind and it’s taking away your opportunities in life.

Nobody likes anyone who thinks they are perfect or is trying to be because that looks like you are a fake person trying to hide something and everyone can see it!! It shows lack of confidence and makes you look un-trust worthily.

As I said before, do not be concerned or have fear to take action because of how you will be looked at and judged. Anybody who loves you will not do this to you and anybody who doesn’t love you does not care anyways.

Watch the Video

Remember, you do not need all the stars aligned, need all the right tools, or have things set up perfectly.

I have learned that committing first and taking massive action is much more important and I can improve down the road, figure out as I go how I should improve, ect.

I am not perfect by far and my failures have made me not get discouraged. I have had far too many to care now.

Love you all.


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