Silent Your Mind for HUGE Success!! πŸ‘ All Noise Influences You

Control The Noisy World

All the noise in the world, in your world, is influencing you on a daily basis.

This includes anything and everything. Thoughts, Emotions, Outside Sources, Music, Entertainment, Material Items (Create needed upkeep and maintenance. They also may put you on highs like a drug and whenever you go up on a high, you will come down just as low as that high until you are back to being balanced out) People influence you of course (especially the closest ones to you), anything you can see or hear will do this and whatever you give more value to in life will influence you the strongest.

When you control the noise that comes into yourself, you can now focus and choose what you want, we’re you want to go, without getting distracted because all these things will put you off your course and pathway that you need to take or wanted to take.

We can see many people do this on a daily basis and call it procrastination, change of mind, or just being a victim and blaming any circumstance we choose. It is what makes people give up and not even try in the first place. Such as needing to have everything in place before you do something, needing to look "professional" or perfect because of the judgement you think you will receive.

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Improve Your Focus

Over and over again I hear how the most successful people keep a focus like no other.

After meditating for at least a couple years, I have come to control my thoughts and emotions very well. I now read all the time, which I never use to my whole life and it took some time to build that habit. I focus on all the most important aspects of my life and do not get persuaded to change my path I set out to accomplish.

Now I even love to do this more than anything because I broke all those other ridiculous patterns of what I grew up around. Emotions do not dictate me, people do not dictate me, and now nothing can stop me!

This is how the most successful people make such leaps and bounds in there progression, while the average still listen to their noisy world and believe it is just lucky for them or a natural ability.

All the noise influences you, as much as you do not think it does.

Monkey See, Monkey Do

It takes humans 6-7 times before they start to recognize things and believe in them but it may just take 1 time of seeing or hearing something and you will or can replicate it without any awareness of doing so.

One day I took my nephew to the park and at one point he laid on the sand completely to see how it felt or whatever he was doing. 6 kids after him, one by one that were not even paying attention really did the exact same thing. Now you may say its kids and they just follow or whatever but adults do the exact same thing, just do not even notice half the time.

Monkey see, monkey do is very true! (That rhymes, so it must be true! πŸ€£πŸ˜‚)

Technology & the New Age

The majority of people around you are full of noise. Society has become obsessed with talking on the phone and always needing to express ourselves on social media.

Silence is the escape for all of us and is where our bliss is found. If you do what everyone else does, you will achieve the same level of success that these noisy people achieve.

Another reason why you should listen more to very successful people, that are in positions you want to be because you will pick up the same habits as them.


Another positive to keeping less noise is you will tend to listen more and that will increase your educating instead of only hearing yourself talk always.

When you keep silent, more information can come into your life. Silence is a great way to be heard because people appreciate you listening to them and that will give YOU more value.

Noise will exhaust you, on the contrary you will build more energy throughout the day with silence (Your thoughts also).

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Meditation is one of the best skills to help with preventing your mind from wondering and increasing the silence in your life. The more you do it, the more you will see such benefits of focus.

As I spoke about in my last video, when you are easily moved by emotions, thoughts, and whatever noise you can easily retreat from your correct mapped out pathway to success.

Keep some silence in your life for more success. The better you are at this skill, the better outcomes you will achieve.

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