Why Your Failing When You’re Doing Everything Right

Why Do Things Not Work Out When Were Doing Everything Correct?

This is could be categorized as a spiritual or energy type of topic but it has much to do with reality and our outcomes. I came to this conclusion when I was fed up with my results in life and did everything I needed to do to be successful and happy. I worked hard, stayed positive, created calm and positive energy in every way but everything got completely worse. How is this possible?

It took me some time to realize what had happened and I find this happens too many who go on their spiritual journey or into the march of success. Much has to do with energy and law of attraction but it is hard to see what we are doing in the fog of everything.

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What Happen to Me

As I made all my changes in life and put in the work to make it happen, I was doing something subconsciously that was distorting the results I was aiming for.

I was staying in a positive mode, making changes in every aspect from my living space, to what I listened to, how I spoke, literally everything. What made my outcomes “negative” was because I was in the back of my mind thinking that my current life or the one I was leaving behind was not good. Everything I was changing I thought it was not positive, not helpful, had no benefit to me. Can you see all the negative thoughts and energy that was created in the back of my mind?

As much as I was doing everything that was great for me, I was holding onto negative thoughts and feelings and therefore my world was destructing because of it.

Change Your Mindset

What I learned to prevent this from happening is to replace all with love! I had to think my previous life or way of thinking was all fine and perfect. The things I was getting rid of was beautiful in their own way but I was just going to enhance my life for the better. I didn’t need to change anything; I just wanted to enhance it for what was tailored better for me. Do you see the difference of thoughts and emotions can be created in the backspace of myself with this simple change of thinking?

The words and thoughts we have in any circumstances really have a chain reaction to our lives. They are so powerful for what you or anyone else around you say and feel. I often have to tell people not to say the world try or mention now why I say my day is great or excellent instead of the normal, good and ok.

Mindset changes you life in every way. As soon as you start changing the way you think, speak and feel, the whole world will change with you. That sounds like a cheesy commercial line but it is 100% true I believe!

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