Startup Blabber #010: Benefits of Coffee

Dear Steemians,

While there are probably hundreds of thousands of ventures out there with all sorts of different cool ideas that the ventures are pursuing, I assume that the founder of each of these ventures have some routines that they all share with other entrepreneurs: the consumption of coffee. There was a point, where I would drink 8-10 cups of coffee a day, something I would not really recommend. I have brought this down to usually one cup of coffee in the morning and another cup of coffee in the afternoon.

After drinking 8-10 cups of coffee with the added stress that comes from a startup, you literally feel your body getting worse. It would be harder getting out of bed, and you would know your liver was getting shot to death, from all of the bile-filled burps you would have throughout the day.

One of the major habits I have when I first get into work, would be to read the news, particularly Google News. Lately, there have been floods of news regarding the benefits of coffee. Really wanted to share the information with everyone!

A Few Good News Articles
Good news for coffee lovers: Study finds you may live longer

  • You live longer as a coffee drinker
  • Drinking a cup of coffee a day lowers the death risk by 8%
  • Drinking 8+ cups of coffee a day increases the death risk by 14%

Drinking as many as eight cups of coffee a day could help you live longer, study says

  • You live longer as a coffee drinker
  • "Other studies have claimed substances in coffee might reduce inflammation and improve how the body uses insulin, which could decrease the likelihood of developing diabetes"

Coffee is good for you, more science shows

  • "It is the No. 1 source in the American diet of antioxidants — chemical compounds that fight the damage to DNA caused by day-to-day living"
  • "It might reduce inflammation in the body, improve how insulin gets used, it might help liver function and it might benefit the linings of the blood vessels"
  • "There is some evidence that coffee can help people recover from colon cancer, lower diabetes risk and reduce the inflammation associated with diabetes and heart disease"
  • "It may also protect against diabetes, Parkinson's disease and liver cancer"

13 Health Benefits of Coffee, Based on Science

  • "Coffee Can Improve Energy Levels and Make You Smarter"

With that said, please don't read this and go overboard on drinking coffee. Always everything in moderation!

Have a wonderful day!


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