Daily pick of hidden gems #2 (Featuring @dragonslayer109 as author)

Lets see what amazing posts we can find today...

Yesterdays pick's

It really takes long but is great fun to find these really cool posts through all the junk and spam that is being placed on steemit lately. Its great that there are thousands more uses joining daily. That just makes me all the more determined to bring you those special posts which don't get seen.


Well this post definitely elaborated what I have seen and what i am trying to do to help these really good posts get seen. If you are writing and spending a lot of time on it and seem to get no where check this post out


If you never understood the steemit platform. Look no further this is by far one of best posts about the steemit platform... and this comes from a new member.


This post is definitely worth your time in reading. I'm 19 now and hadn't thought that being on steemit could make my life so much easier. This post really touched home for me.


If you not into music that's fine there is a much deeper more meaningful message in the post. Steemit is really going to change the world for the better and everyone is going to benefit from it.


People must be really inspired today or maybe its just me. I can promise you that this post will definitely inspire you or at least make you think a little. Has made me think(a lot)


We might have all felt this way at least once on steemit. Keep going and never give up. I too have had posts up that got no votes or comments and it really discouraged me but I'm still here.

A moment for the best, most loving and welcoming person(bot) on steemit

I personally love wang he was the first person to reply to my introduction post. Gave me information that was really helpful so a round of applause.

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