Daily pick of hidden gems #3 (featuring @dragonslayer109 as author)

Searching through all the spam and junk posts to bring you something truly special

Yesterdays pick:

This picture is exactly how I feel and when I find one of those amazing posts that mean something to me... the joy is overwhelming, it takes a long time to look for them. But what makes all the time worth it is when I look back at the posts I am promoting and see that they are no longer hidden and are getting upvotes. Well off I am to find you those special hidden gems.


A lot of us might feel like our posts are going no where(when they are really good). This doesn't mean its the end. Don't give up hope.



This post isn't hidden, but it is a real true gem and well it has inspired me and I hope it will inspire you. Normally I wouldn't put this up here but I had you in mind and who knows you might read this and it might be just what you needed to read today.



Well I will be a father in the future and this is definitely a motivational and inspiring post for me. Even as a father I believe we still have space to grow. There's no best dad in the world... or should I rather say the best dad is the dad that is always trying his best to improve...



Do we all take life for granted, thinking that you will still be alive tomorrow? Have we ever stopped to thing what if we died today. What would we be rememberd as, do you want to die hating someone? Life is short and can become even shorter so make the most of it every day...



I LOVE it when a writer makes me think. Makes me so excited.

We can all do with a little less stress in your lives read this to find out how.


Well guys after finding such great posts I have now spent over an hour looking for more. I am so frustrated with all the spam and junk posts. I have decided to write a bit to you now. I look for posts which can change the life of the reader. I also look for posts that are really good, meaning that the writer has put in time effort and research into their post. I might not find all the hidden gems out there. I have now read so much about whales. If you post really amazing things let me know I will have a look and try get these "whales" to vote for you. I believe that good content does deserve to be upvoted. So keep trying, keep posting good stuff and remember that quality is better than quantity.
To end of on a positive note

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