Daily pick of hidden gems #9 (featuring @dragonslayer109 as author)

Touching your heart through small and precious things that are so easily looked over, missed or forgotten

Previous picks:


1--Some People Live Where They Work, Other Just Visit.

There are a lot of positive things in life. We just need the right attitude and outlook on it.


2--Uniqueness: The power behind being yourself

There is no one else out there that is exactly like us. So why bother being someone else when you can be unique.


3--Growing up doesn’t have to mean growing old

Laughter and fun is the best medicine... no wonder why all these old people have so many medical problems.
Anyway life is there to be enjoyed and to have fun, so live a little


4--What would you say to the one you see last time?

Everything happens for a reason. The people we meet the choices we make. Things are placed in your path to test or to help us.


5--Choose your words carefully Steemit! [2 Minute Video | The Power of Words]

Well just have a look at the video. Trough life we take a lot of things for granted.


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