BBQ, Beers, and... Bubbles? An Impromptu Evening at WintonWolfe's House!

Greetings Steemit!

Yesterday I received an unexpected text message from Round Earth Shill & close friend Mr @WinstonWolfe - inviting me to join he & family for some BBQ at his place on a beautiful Friday evening.

Hearing the words "Free Steak" I immediately began plotting the 3.5 mile quest w/ Quadcopter bag in hand. Upon arrival I took note of my surroundings & sized up the pending feast.

Observations included:

This Family Photo

This Sampler Box of Beer

These Giant Precooked Steaks

This Bag of Marinating Zucchini, Mushrooms, & Red Onions

Did you know that @WinstonWolfe also drinks Beer?

While the food was being prepped, I made my way outside. There were several other critters afoot on these lands, and I was about to have a run in with a few of them.

One of these encounters would be with a Majestic Beast known simply as "Miss Kitty". The thing about Miss Kitty is that once you start paying attention to her, she will not leave you alone. After acknowledging her presence in passing with a head boop, she then began to pursue me around the yard.

You'll notice that both times I tried to photograph her it starts with her laying down, then walking towards me as she wanted more attention.

Attempt #1

Attempt #2

Feeling stalked by the cat - I decided to wander back indoors for a moment to refill my Beer. Upon entering the Kitchen I begin to realize that the food is slowly making its way to the grill as the feast approaches.

In utter anticipation - I snap this selfie. Behold: GiftedGaia's "Free Steak" Face!

I follow the food procession back outdoors where the festivities have really started to kick off.

Winston has broken out a Ravetastic Bubble Machine to entertain the kiddos in attendance, and after some assembly the device is powered on.

Admit it - You TOTALLY didn't think I was being serious about the Bubbles.. did you? Its ok Steemit - I got ya Fam - here's a short video I snapped so you wouldn't miss the event!

Winston Makes Bubbles

Even Miss Kitty seemed to be enjoying the Bubble show

As Entertaining as this performance was - my focus shifted - when the sweet smell of sizzling steak hit my scent glands like an Ocean Wave of Back Yard Bubbles in your Face.. The time was near. I had spotted my prize and snapped a quick pic to document this magic moment.

MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm.... Steak

After the required amount of burn - the feast was ready to begin!

Final Take included: Steak, Hot Dogs, Grilled Veggies, Baked Beans, Fresh Veggies w/ Hummus, and Chocolate Chip Cookies for Dessert. Final Results looked like this:

And Finally.. as is the way of my people.. It was time to break out that aforementioned Quadcopter bag & enjoy a beautiful Friday night Missouri Sunset. It was the perfect ending to the night!

Shot 395' up using a Blade Chroma Quadcopter w/ CGO2 camera

Cheers Steemit!


-Who is: GiftedGaia?

-What is: Steemit Talk Podcast

-Life is short - hence why Podcasting is Important

-My DJ Mixes Archive

-My Youtube Page (lots of Drone Videos)

-GiftedGaia's Favorite Quotations on Life and Music

-Photogenic Adventures Series: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

-+1 Point on the 'Humans are Good' side: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4

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