Greetings Steemit,
In a World that sometimes seems to have gone mad - I've discovered that I really like to watch positive & uplifting videos. I've also discovered that I really like to share the better finds with other people - in an attempt to maximize their contagiously uplifting effect.
Continuing an experiment I've dabbled with on other social media sites, I'm going to start listing some of my favorites here on Steemit. After coming to know members of this community over these past several months, I hope that you enjoy.
So here's a submission in an ongoing series that I like to call:
+1 Point on the 'Humans are Good' side

Best Street Fight Ending EVAR!
In this age of 'Instantly Uploaded Social Media Society' - lets be honest - we've ALL seen something on the internet that has made us cringe. I'm not talking about something gross or taboo, more so those 'guilty pleasure' selections where you end up viewing something that if someone else walked in the room at that moment, you may be embarrassed to explain your interest.
My point here is that something in the video sparked your attention - whatever the cause. I'm willing to guess that in most cases, the content of the video is of 'Bad Human Behavior' in one form or another (define it as you wish, i'm being as generalistic as possible).
Full Disclosure for journalistic integrity: My admitted submission regarding these accusations = Street Fighting Videos. Bare with me - I have my reasons for submitting this entry...
My fascination with Street Fighting Videos is part some genetically driven human male disposition to watch people fight (i think).. and another part knowing that as much professional UFC/MMA as I watch for entertainment - these street fight vids are far more accurate of how most any 'day to day' scuffle would go down, and therefore viable self defense study. (in some sense)
I've watched hundreds upon hundreds of videos akin to this genre - however I have NEVER seen one end in this fashion. Uploaded to youtube just yesterday - this submission is brand new & is completely worthy of your attention.
Honestly.. I feel fucking inspired by this.. not just as an example of how to handle this situation in real life - but also in how the witnesses mostly reacted positively to the experience.
Whomever the man in the black coat is.. well.. I hope someday I grow up to be that guy! He's a Hero not only to his community, but now thanks to this video, his insight can inspire across the internet... And to be blunt honest friends - I never thought watching my daily street fight videos would ever leave us all reaching over to add..
+1 Point on the 'Humans are Good' side
Cheers Steemit!
-What is: Steemit Talk Podcast
-Life is short - hence why Podcasting is Important
-My Youtube Page (lots of Drone Videos)