My Niece's photo just broke Viral & is being shared all over Nationally Syndicated US Television!

Greetings Steemit,

In the weirdest twist of events.. My sister and her close friend were at a park w/ their kids over the weekend. The friend's Son had brought a couple toys with him that day, specifically with the intent on sharing them with his friend (my 3 year old Niece) when some other children that he did not know approached the pair and basically demanded that he share these toys with them too.

The mother handled the situation as she saw fit, informing her Son that he was under no obligation to share his toys with these other unknown 'stranger' children. She then took to Facebook to make a post about the situation, explaining her rational as a parent, including a picture she snapped at that moment of her Son & my Niece together playing.

Flash forward a day or so.. and that simple FB post has morphed into a story that has now broken Viral, popping up all over major media outlets across this country, including the picture of my adorable Niece being shown this morning on multiple nationally syndicated shows such as 'Good Morning America', 'The Today Show', and many other smaller local media outlets.

So of course - I've spoken to every member of my immediate family this evening as we all digest these unexpected events. I suppose I always suspected someone in my family would experience their '15 minutes of fame' at some point - and I'm glad it just happened to fall upon the most photogenic member of the family. :-)

I will say that any rewards earned on this post will be used to take our little Superstar out for Ice Cream!

Link to the story (you may have seen it floating about):

And the pic in question:

Cheers Steemit!


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-Photogenic Adventures Series: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

-+1 Point on the 'Humans are Good' side: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4

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