<*_*> Prayers, rituals and prohibitions on Valentine's Day <*_*>

The date dedicated to love and friendship is celebrated in different ways. For many it is a common day, while for others it is dedicated to the couple or friends; even in some nations it is forbidden.

As a historical background, Valentine has its origins in the Roman Empire, under the Emperor Claudius II, who forbade soldiers to marry, since in his opinion, being in love limited their performance in war operations.

Legend has it, priest Valentín considered the decree unjust, so he challenged the emperor and married several young couples in secret, but was discovered, so he was imprisoned and then beheaded on February 14, 270, for disobeying.

For that reason, Valentine is considered the patron of lovers and the date is celebrated in different ways around the world, some even have a touch of humor. Meet the most interesting festivities in some countries:

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England: In this country the tradition of Valentine's Day is for women to place five bay leaves under the pillow, two on each side and one in the center, to dream of their future husband. Is it possible to see the love of your life in dreams?

China: Valentine's Day is not celebrated as such, its tradition is framed in a thousand-year-old legend of impossible love between a farmer and a fairy. This celebration is called "Qi Xi Jie", which translates as "The night of the sevens", because it is performed on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. On this holiday, couples visit a place called "The matchmaker's temple" in Beijing, where they pray for marriage and for love. This "Chinese Valentine" is made 2,600 years ago, much older than today.

Japan: Another place where a curious custom is developed to celebrate love is in this Asian country. There are women who give men chocolates. In addition, thousands of lovers come to Mount Fuji, a place known as "Point of Lovers", located in Izu, where they must play the "Bell of Love" three times, while pronouncing the name of his beloved so that Your relationship becomes true love.

Finland: In this country the lovers are not celebrated, on the 14th of February it is dedicated to the Day of the Friendship; friends send letters and official couples choose, mostly, this day to commit and even get married. After all, on many occasions, couples before becoming boyfriends were best friends.

Argentina: They define it as Valentine's Day and celebrate the union between couples. It is not usual among Argentines to send cards or hearts. Also in this country from July 1 to July 7 they celebrate the "Week of Sweetness", which has gained great popularity in recent years; where treats are given in exchange for kisses.

Colombia: They celebrate in a big way the Day of Love and Friendship, the third Saturday of September, where they play the traditional game of the "secret friend".

As a curious fact, the date was modified for the month of September for two reasons; one of them obeys a strategic motive, since the merchants of the time (1969) suggested the change because in February it was the beginning of the school season and people saw their purchasing power limited by the purchase of school supplies.

Saudi Arabia: In this country, the religious authorities persecute and condemn any act or celebration related to this date. The red color disappears from the florists and gift shops from the first days of February, since this celebration is considered a sin, and is punished by the strict laws of the kingdom.

Brazil: The festival has the name of "Day two Namorados" and it is celebrated on June 12, in memory of San Antonio de Padua, who was a matchmaker. It is also customary to exchange gifts of affection, as is done in other countries.

Spain: Here romantic dinners are the classic. They go out to eat with the beloved to some special place for both of them. It is also common for men to give lingerie to women, as well as chocolates or perfumes.

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        All the images were taken from the public domain

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