20 questions with Ryan Lancaster (Million Dollar Bus) - Video Interview!!

"I don't need to be rich; I don't need to be famous. I just want to do something really special with my life," says Ryan Lancaster, the Kelowna man who plans to drive across Canada in a bus while funding Community Passion Projects along the way.


Oh, and by the way, he attained that bus in six weeks by trading a button for a Japanese tea set, for a digital camera, for an electric scooter, for a Sea-Doo, which he then traded for said bus.

Ryan's inspirational journey started two years ago when he decided he was tired of living a life without purpose. He spent all of 2016 tackling major life goals each month in a project called Scale My Life.

This year, Ryan is taking his efforts to the next level through a concept called Million Dollar Bus.

I recently sat down with him to find out more.

All liquid rewards from this post will go toward Ryan's Million Dollar Bus Project!

20 questions with Ryan Lancaster (Million Dollar Bus) - Video Interview

I'm so stoked Ryan was my first video interview guest for "20 questions." He's already doing amazing things... I can't wait to see what the future holds for him.

Thanks to all of you for taking the time to watch.

Who would you like to see me throw 20 questions at? Drop me a comment below and I'll work on setting up the interview.

If you like what you read, be sure to follow my blog!

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Previous "20 questions" interviews:

20 questions with @heiditravels
20 questions with @katecloud
20 questions with @manthostsakirid
20 questions with @blockchaingirl
20 questions with @piedpiper
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20 questions with @budgetbucketlist
20 questions with @rogerkver
20 questions with @allasyummyfood
20 questions with @the-alien
20 questions with Janina Storace
20 questions with @mrs.steemit
20 questions with @andrarchy
20 questions with Scott Young
20 questions with Jesse Heiman
20 questions with @dragosroua
20 questions with Chelsea Dinsmore
20 questions with @sirwinchester
20 questions with Ludvig Sunström
20 questions with Kyle Eschenroeder
20 questions with @roelandp
20 questions with Tim Brownson
20 questions with Sean Ogle
20 questions with Henri Junttila
20 questions with Hal Johnson
20 questions with Farnoosh Brock
20 questions with Manny Kess
20 questions with John Goehrke
20 questions with Sunny Lenarduzzi
20 questions with The Cranky Flier - Brett Snyder
20 questions with Shawn Murphy
20 questions with Leo Babauta
20 questions with Jacob Staudenmaier
20 questions with Steve Scott
20 questions with Stefan Hyttfors
20 questions with Zachery (Ty) Bryan

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