Learning What Can't Be Taught

Learning is great. It is an important part of living. Life becomes incomplete when we take learning out of it but most times when we think of learning, what usually comes to our mind is sitting down and being taught by someone, maybe by a teacher, parent or a friend.

Not all things can be taught, there are certain things that no matter how hard we are taught, we never learn them, except for when we put an effort into teaching ourselves. And sometimes, the people we look up to teach us these things don't see any importance in it.

Learning doesn't end in the classroom, it is in fact where it starts because you aren't taught all in a classroom. Besides that, there are things you might never comprehend or learn when you are taught, you might need to discover and learn these things on your own.

No one is gonna teach you how to love yourself or even others, you might get inspired by others to treat yourself (or others) better, but being inspired doesn't teach you. You put an effort into learning it.

No one is gonna teach you to stay or think positive, you learn on your own. It is a struggle you have to deal with because it happens within. They might tell you to think positive. But how, is what you need to figure out.

No one can teach you how valuable you are, or who you are. It's a journey you have to embark on and learn it on your own. And understanding your worth is one of the most valuable lessons you will learn in this life.

No one is gonna teach you how to stay strong when the going gets tough, your school didn't (and won't), your loved ones might tell you to stay strong and share how important it is. But how you are gonna stay strong is something you need to figure out. They might share how they were able to stay strong, but staying strong isn't "a one size fit all" type of thing. You need to figure out what works for you.

Really, there are a whole lot of things that you will need to learn on your own through life's journey. You just have to figure out what it is (or they are) first and then go ahead and learn them

Life is filled with great lessons, some, you are taught, some, you will have to learn on your own. Learning adds spice to life, so allow yourself to learn and discover new things.


Much Love, Audrey

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