Project loveletters #5 - His response


Barcelona, 6 Septiembre de 1978

Dear Irene:

When you have this letter in your hands, I will be in Barcelona. For that, you send my you letter there.

Well, Irene, you say me, what you are always busy the week-end. That is logical and normal. Moreover, there is what to utilize all the weather, beaucouse we know not if same day we will turn to life it another time.

Now, I write you in ingles, and this is more difficult for my, but for you to be you, I will make a exertion. (is merriment).

Your hobby’s are too my, less the needle-work, that is for you (womans). The volleyball, is a grand sport. I think what you going twice a week to play volleyball, you will care a little you line. (figure).

AH! You have to explane me, that about you are going to learn to dance. (what class of dance?)

Though I do been little weather with you, I remember you. Too LIDA (ok)and your father and brother, beacouse we do been kinds with me and you have not why to give me thank for that.

You are in Nederland and you can to have you hair how you want, but for me, always, the hair long or how you have in the photo what I send you. (in the photo, you are very well, included with the red nose and face). I am sorry, (It’s a pity), what this fashion of hair short, be, in Nederland. I say you, this fashion, too is here, in Spain.

The next letter, I send you the photo from myself. (militer)

Yes IRENE, Nederland, is a little bit expensive for me. One friend, he has gone to all Europe (and Amsterdam), and he told me, what to eat and to sleep, is very expensive. For that, according my fathers (they) say me, I go to Nederland or Germany (kolu), what I have family there.

I am happy, why you have one good work, not hard. Get up at half past zeven, is a good hour. (I have to get up at zeven O’clock and go to work a the office Ministery at half past acht (8). I suppose, what you must breakfast and to eat out your house. (all that, are expenditures).


(To) Do one month, what I do not sport, but yesterday I commencement it and this morning, I have the muscles hard and tired. (In one week, I am good other time).

If for you is difficult to start the letter, please (to) be natural, and explane me thinks about you; from what do you like, you love, you do (doesn’t) etc. I shall like me, to say this thinks. For to know you a little better. For example: I am catholic theoretic, (I go not never to the church). I am very sincere and sentimental, romantic, can to be, maybe for that, what I see the world, of other form, more simple and tranquil.

My name is JESUS, not GESUS, it is not alike. In Spain, G, Is smooth. “Garage” The, J, is more strong. How “house”. “Jefe”(chief) (ok).

In my office, (I work the 8,30 á 14,30 hour), there are one sergeant, and others “CABO 1” (Is MILITER step); but the Seargant and my (we) discuss much, and always we are how the dog and the cat. For all the other, I am very well in Madrid (in the “air army”).

I hope you understand everything. Veel liefs, I belive means !hasta luego! = till after! Can to be?. IRENE, please, when you write me words dutch, say me too, how read it. Example:

Eet smakelijk (et esmokelit).

This week, the weather in Spain, it is not good. In Cataluña (Barcelona, Tarragona, Lérida y Gerona), Is rain mush. In Madrid, For the night, I am cold.

Well, I teach you, some words Spanish.

“To be” = “SER O ESTAR”.
I am = Yo soy o estoy
You are = tu eres o estás
He is = el es o está
She is = ella es o está
We are = nosotros somos o estamos
You are = vosotros sois o estais
They are = Ellos son o están.

to go=ir
to speak= hablar
to eet= comer
Nederland= Holanda.
to sleep= dormir
girl= chica.
work= trabajo
world= mundo
Now, I finish the letter, becouse is the time to go sleep.

Tot ziens IRENE
Veel liefs JESUS

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You can also read the other letters here:

Letter #1
Letter #2
Letter #3
Letter #4

Disclaimer: These letters are copied as is. I understand they have many grammatical errors, but my parents did not have google translator, and relied on dictionaries to translate their thoughts. Any marks on the letters are made by them to help them understand the letters. Note: I also covered her signature for protection.

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