Project loveletters #13 - His response


Barcelona, 5 de Enero de 1979

Dear Irene:

I thanks you for the nice postal card, and your photos (in your old office) you sent me.
I wish for you and your family a happy New Year.
Now, I am in my house, in Barcelona. I have some days of permission. But soon, over 15th January, another time, I will go to Madrid.

AH! Irene: I want sey you one thing. I continuous in the army (of Air). I do an instance a my GENERAL CHIEF and I continuous till September. During all this weather, I will can to do some opposition. One for to be seargeant. Another for to enter in the police. And other, for IBERIA, etc. TO HAVE, what? To go out of All this.

Do a week, that I gone to the PIRINEOS. Very near of FRANCE. There, with three friends more, we want to ski, but ever, we’re on the ground. It’s very amusing. (only two days).

Changing the mather. If you can number of telefone, you can write me it, in the next post. My number of telefone is (of Barcelona)308-79-76. Before of course the prefixed of Spain y (and) after the prefixed of Barcelona (it’s 93). In Madrid, I have: 449-70-00 (this is the central teleph.). There, sey :”Ministerio del Aire.” And you answer my-extension- number. Its 2844. The prefixed of Madrid its 91. All this, is for if we must us, to say us some thing, very quickly.

Now, talking a little of your next holidays. You know, that my spain is very beautiful. There’re many things to do, in-anyone city, moreover of to take the sun. All, depend of you. What want must you do?- to take de sun. To see museums, and monuments. To know the history (very old) of spain. I think, that amuse you. Its normal.
I sent you publications of the Secretaria de Estado de Turismo, of:
-Costa del sol - Costa de la luz
-Costa Brava - Madrid
You can to see and to decide.
Well, I hope, that you come back here in Summer and so, can to see us.


In this moment, I am listening, three record of “THE ALAN PARSONS PROJECT”. Exacly, “I robot” “PYRAMID” and “TALES of mystery and Imagination”. I like it very much.

Probably, my holidays, will be, between, July, August and September. I hope, that yours holidays were (been) in those dates.

Well, Irene, in the next post, you will can talk me, How? Go your things, your new work, your romances, etc. is to sey, your life in if.

Normarly, I go to the discoteque, to the cinema; over womens, I continuous free.

Well, my dear Irene, now I go out, to the street. Here no do many cold. In Nederland, if.

AH! If you can, sent my one map of your country. OK!

Remember for All; Lidia, your brother y (and) for you, many kissis.

Till soon!

P.D. Your good address, is in Madrid.
I wish, that so, arrive too.

EXTRA: I leave you with Pyramid by The Alan Parsons Project, song refered in this letter, from youtube

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You can also read the other letters here:

Letter #1
Letter #2
Letter #3
Letter #4

Disclaimer: These letters are copied as is. I understand they have many grammatical errors, but my parents did not have google translator, and relied on dictionaries to translate their thoughts. Any marks on the letters are made by them to help them understand the letters. Note: I also covered her signature for protection.

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