I Don't Wanna Get Up Ma! Manifest Challenge 28

Remember those days when Mom used to wake you up for school but you didn't want to leave the blissful comfort of your blanket cocoon?

She'd sweep into your room, annoyingly cheerful (the first time) and open the curtains, singing about how wonderful a day it was going to be? This only prompted you to pull the covers over your head and snuggle deeper into your pillow, hoping it would swallow you into its billowy goodness so you wouldn't have to face the lectures and the kids and the boring (yawn) assignments?

But you never won.

You dragged on something you hoped wasn't too dirty, all grumbly and truculent, and shuffled to the bathroom to make faces in the mirror while you brushed your teeth. And, you went to school. And the day was never half bad.

When it comes to visualizing your goals, sometimes you find you just don't wanna do it today. You have so much to do, or you're tired from a long night, or you're just being lazy.

Just do it!

Next time that happens, picture my voice in your head cheerily telling you to just do it already!

It's just like working out. Some days you are not going to want to, but do it anyway. You will always feel better after, and glad you did it!

Visualizing your goals is an investment in your future.

Use the three minutes you spend brushing your teeth and visualize your day. Picture yourself succeeding in everything you do.

If you have an exam, imagine yourself aceing it, really feel how good the accomplishment feels! If you have a meeting or interview, visualize yourself winning your audience over, and getting the job or deal. If you have a big date you can even use creative visualization for that! Picture yourself calm and charming, and entertaining to your partner.

Investing a few minutes in this way at the beginning of your day to is a technique that successful CEO's and star athletes utilize on a daily basis. Why? Because it works!

A few minutes each morning is a small investment for a happy and successful reality.

Just do it!

Afterwards, you have my permission to snuggle into your soft metaphorical pillow to reinforce and reward your efforts ;)

Have a wonderful evening my friends, and may you always find the cool side of the pillow ❤

Create the life you want with the 30 Day Manifest Challenge!
Your Weakest Link. Manifest Challenge Day 25
Clean Your House. Manifest Challenge Day 24
Endless Cays of Rain. Manifest Challenge Days 26 & 27

Images via Pixabay

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With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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Write to Heal. Because it's Your Right to Heal
Preparing for a Winter Storm
Emergency Preps For Your Pets
Clean Your House!
What Goes in Reflects Out. Manifest Challenge 22
The Doormat Allegory: Do Nice Guys Always Finish Last?
Sunrise Photo Sequence
You're Only as Good as Your Weakest Flaw
Clean Your House to Clear Your Soul
Endless Days of Rain


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