Turning Your Trauma Into Triumph

We all have had to face some sort of traumatic experience at some point in our lives, pains seem to be an inevitable part of our life's journey. Traumatic experiences have a way of turning one's life upside down, especially if not handled properly.

We often make the mistake of referring to other people's pain as small compared to ours (or others) but really, its no competition and, there is nothing like a "small traumatic experience".Trauma is a trauma. Pain is Pain. And should be accorded equal attention.


They are not physical wounds that we can see with our eyes, but they have the ability to sink deep down into our mind and soul, and cause a lot of havoc. While we can't choose whether to feel the pains or not, we can learn to manage them better and not only that, we can grow out of them and be victorious!

Find Distractions

While I am not one to advise anyone to hide/run away from their pains (because they always come back to hit you hard on the face), but I think it is important we find something of interest to us after a traumatic experience. This isn't to distract us from the pain in itself, but from the gruelling (and negative) thoughts that might be going through our head at that point. There are different things out there that might be of interest to you, find what works for you. A distraction might even help you in healing from your pains.

Discover Yourself (Again)

After passing through a tragic event, there might be changes in how you act or react to things around you. You might become introverted all of a sudden, you may become more sensitive to things or people around you, you may develop a fear of being in public etc. these changes are bound to occur. Discover these changes and work on those that need to be worked upon.



There is always a lesson to be learnt in every experience (whether positive or negative) we pass through in our lives, open your heart to learning all those lessons and when you are done with your healing process, you will not only be healed but empowered as well. Takes your time, reflect on things and extract all the positive lessons you can get from that experience.

Keep Positive People Around and Create Positive Moments

Negative vibes are toxic for almost everyone, let alone someone trying to heal from a traumatic experience. It is essential that you surround yourself with positive people and try creating positive moments with them which will further uplift your spirit, and let you see that there is still so much beauty in the world.

Learn To Love Yourself (Again)

Trauma can easily make one push themselves aside, but self-love is really important. You can't give proper care to yourself without sufficient love so, love that broken piece of you, it will heal with time and a bit of effort. Learn to love and value yourself again.


Losing a job can be as traumatic as the loss of a loved one. Witnessing a cruel event can be as traumatic as going through that cruel event. Losing a pet can be as traumatic as going through an accident. Our ability to handle it better than others is what makes the difference, not the experience itself. And these painful experiences, if not well managed can be detrimental to our mental health. 

Trauma has the ability to hold us captive in our own lives and is really tough to deal with (even though we deal with things differently). Yes, it is tough but don't let it bring an end to your beautiful life, let it modify you, teach you, and then, let yourself heal and grow.

Much Love, Audrey

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