

Have you dropped by The Old Dog's - @kus-knee's page? He's been running the mundane art contest. It's been going on for a long time and every now and I have missed the first four so this time I decided to join.

My first pic was just that pic below but I re-read his post and it says stoneS. Am not sure whether it's supposed to be plural but it must be since he posted some pic samples on his announcement post.


I just used flash for that single subject above last night, pretty late and turned off all of the lights in the kitchen.


Yes, I took these pictures on top of my stove and I took a few, in fact, I thought of posting this white stone with two white corals but then again .. STONES!!! not corals, not rocks! Stones! Shout out the difference between the two in the comment below.


I took a few pics earlier today but the light brought much shadow so I waited till its pitchblack outside and turned off every source of light around me. It's like shooting in the dark. The reflection is clearer with the lights on though.


Everyone's invited to join so what are you waiting for! Check out The Old Dog's post about it. It's fun to do this , you'll see ;)!

This content's 100% mine. I took the pics with my Samsung Galaxy A3 .

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