A Stink Bug Showed Me Where The Lavender Seeds Are


Have you always known where the "Lavender's Seeds" are? Yes? Good for you. You must be thinking .. "for thy be ignorant!" Indeed I was about the lavender seeds, I didn't even know what they look like! If like me, you don't either.. keep reading and you'll get to see it, too! How could I not know? I don't know everything - that's why! However, this one.. I could now scrape off the list of things I don't know about and my it's a very, very long list.

I have always had an idea that they are... like many other seeds.. of course, can be found in the flower but since I am aware that I could just buy them in the plant stores I have never looked for it. I just propagate the lavender through cuttings and sometimes, I see a new Lavender plant sprout on the ground on its own. I'd normally, dig it up, pot it and transplant to where I really want to have it in my garden.

As I've mentioned in this post, though they're edible, I usually make potpourri out of the dried Lavender flowers that I collected from my garden so I just cut most of them and leave just a few ones ... mostly the tall ones for the damselflies and the dragonflies to rest on.

I did the same thing this year and I haven't really cut the ones that I left for them chopper like critters till now. I normally do so the I never really get a chance to find out whether they have seeds or not . The night, I was taking pics for this post the thumbnail for this post was one of those pics I shot.

After taking that pic, I went back in the house, made dinner, had coffee and checked the pics I took. I noticed the stinkbug so I tried enlarging the pic by sliding my thumb and index finger on the screen just to take a good look at the stinkbug which seems to be smiling at me. That's when I noticed the seeds in the flower pod (if that's what they call it). Finding out where it is .. I owe it to the stinkbug.


I wasn't sure they were seeds so the next day, I went to take a look and found out that they are indeed Lavender seeds. I plucked one and took a video of proof for you .

The seeds are tucked in deep in the flower pods so it's not easy to spot them. They're very very tiny, almost just longer than a dot you can make using a sign pen.


I had to break those pods open to release them. At that time, I wondered how much work it costs the many French or Lavender farmers to harvest them Lavender seeds. Some pods contain two to three seeds but most of them have just one. Some of those seeds are already rotting, they are soft to the touch and browner. My guess is... it's cause it's too wet here. I collected as much and planted them directly in the border of our fence. The rest, I kept in the kitchen towel. If the ones I planted directly into the ground grow next year, I'll let you know.

This content's 100% mine. I took the pics and the video with my Samsung A3 .

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