Date Night Log : "Tui Na" Massage, "Biergarten" and First Snow in 2017


My husband and I decided to go on a date again, tonight. We dropped by our favorite coffee shop. We passed by those city lights on the way there. I bought my favorite smiling coffee cup there, can you guess where it is? We didn't have coffee this time though, I had my "moments of happiness" tea and my husband took "winter socks tea". Yes, you read it right - socks .. please don't let me explain that part cause all I know is I bought a whole pack of it since it's so freaking delicious. It's a combi of dried apple, ginger, cinnamon and everything else that made it smell so good.

The plan was to have a Tui Na massage and have dinner in the city. We've recently discovered a massage spa called Zen in the city and finally, I could now say that after so many long years of looking for professional massage service, I found one that speaks my language. It's actually our second time to be there tonight. I had a relaxing massage the first time and I fell asleep during the process but since my hubby and I were being massage in the same room, I kept being awaken by my husband's conversation with the guy doing him and I heard the guy explain how the way he's massaging him would really set his muscles free from damp and being tense so I asked for the same thing.

Tonight, A Chinese lady did me and she's amazing. My lower back has been hurting specially when I'm walking outside since it's been bloody cold these days. Playing the guitar and not observing proper posture causes all of the meridians in the left side of my body get all tensed. She loosened all those tensed muscle up and explained what she's doing to me and showed me all the other spots that are actually tensed, too. I'm so content I could kiss her because she massaged me with passion.

She also told me that she really does her best to help her clients otherwise she won't go back to work the next day if she knew deep inside that she's done a crappy job. I like that kind of mentality, I resonate with people who take pride in doing their best and helping others get better plus, I appreciate the fact that she's so honest cause I asked about whether they do cupping and she said they do but they don't let the client decide on it. She explained that cupping is advisable for people whose body holds the damp in their muscles longer than normal and that is not my case so I just need more sessions of this Tui Na massage and my body will be okay. I agree because I was already starting to have a stiff neck before I went there but now it's all good.

I love the fact that she knows about the meridian points, that we agree that we shouldn't wet our bodies nor expose it to the cold outside right after getting a massage. I told her, the many other massage spa I went to before says, I could just step into the shower right after that. That they all told me it's a superstition that the pores in my body are all open and damp could again seep in to my muscles and add to them being tense and painful. We also agreed taking ginger and eating right helps keep the muscles healthy as well as proper posture specially when I'm on my computer. I just felt so happy that finally someone understands and says the same thing my grandfather used to tell his clients.

Most of the time, I just mum while lying on the massage table cause I worry that if I insist these to the masseuse they may hurt me so most of the time I actually get more tensed but not tonight. Tonight, I could just lie down, relax and entrust my whole body to a real professional and enjoy Tui Na with the faith that I would really feel better after that. I was so sleepy and relaxed right after that so I had an apple after taking the warm green tea they serve as after the massage.


We headed for the restaurant or more of what they call "Biergarten" here. It literally translates "beer garden" so I asked my husband whether it is where they grow and brew beer on the way there. Of course, I was just kidding. When we got there the place wasn't full house yet but I didn't bother taking pics of the place because I made this video of what we ordered instead.

I left a clue about the resto and I wonder if any Arnhemse Steemian could actually guess where on earth I had dinner tonight. If you had ever experienced attending the BTC meet up last year, they held one here. Would you also please guess which beer I took? They have a lot of beer the barrels looked like the boob of a 707 boing and a whole pipe line for the taps.

I'm not a beer fan so I actually ordered fresh mint tea first but that horned small voice defeated me and screamed they may be have one with 0% alcohol so I asked. I also asked for one without sugar in it and got it. Am not sure whether it is wise to have a beer, even though it's 0% alcohol after massage but F**k it I only live once!

I also learned that there are so many kinds of beer having read their drinks menu. #til about Tripple, Dark, Blond, Distilled, Saison, Fruit beer, Trappist, White and even a Naughty Beer. There's lots of choices but you don't have to worry because on the food menu, they included a "beer tip". I think that's a cool thing to do so the client could really enjoy whatever their eating with whatever choice of beer they ordered. Ten points to them for that.

My husband and I agreed on a Flamkuchen Italia which is a German specialty perfect for a biergarten. They also serve black angus beef burger, green egg spare ribs but we went there for their grilled chicken and we ordered a whole. They serve organic grilled chicken there! How perfect could this night be? Hurray!

I finished half the flamkuchen Italia which is made of just basil, cheese and tomatoes in 10 minutes so we ordered one more. I only got to finish just the half of the half of it though. The chicken came with a sweet chili sauce and a mayo served on giant cheese boards with fries. Mind you , I ate the fries but it didn't make me play tuba tonight (if you know what I mean). I had cheesecake with raspberry ice cream for my cappuccino and my very full hubby just had cafe Americano. My, both the ice cream and the cheesecake are divine that had I not been so full tonight, I would have had a second order. Hubby just had the tiny Tony chocs that were served with the coffee.

We weren't supposed to have coffee in there but look what was going on outside which held us in a bit longer. Why? I was hoping the city would be covered in snow when we go out and that's exactly what has happened. I love it when it's snowing and can you blame me?


I hate the feel of the cold and our bus came rather late so we had to wait for it for half an hour and so many things have already happened within that time. Three sets of cars which came out of the tunnel below us had a bad night for driving pretty fast in this snow night in the curve.

Not a very wise thing to do and it's very unusual that these accidents took place minutes after the other. A woman who stood next to us said she came from down there and saw everything so she rang the police to report that it's too slippery tonight. A few minutes later, a truck came spraying salt on the road below.


I went on watching buses stopping by in front of us and laughed at them getting stuck in the snow along with the other stranded passengers in the bus stop. It's funny how such a cold, slippery incident could bring people to suddenly talk to each other which is a very uncommon scene here. While I was watching scooters and bike, slow down up the hilly overpass and bikers pedaling against the snow falling on their faces, I noticed a lady picking up snow and forming a ball in her hand. You probably have already guessed she was making a snowman. I went up to her and filmed what she was doing and she was fine with that but no this was not it. She also gave me her email so I could send her the video of the whole process of her making the snowman.

While I was feeling bored and feeling the tips of my fingers and toes tingle from the cold, I sort of regretted going to the city by bus but after experiencing all these, somehow... it was fun except for the accident part. My husband and I decided to take the other bus instead since the number of the one we're waiting for hasn't appeared on the screen for more than half an hour. That means, we'll be taking a stroll in a snowy winter night tonight. I actually love the idea. When we stepped in the bus, it suddenly felt warm and my hands and toes were feeling less frozen in there. On the way back home, the city looks so damn beautiful I wanted to walk had it not been too cold and I was properly attired, I would have.

On the ten minute stroll back home, I found these. Looks like a pet owner was taking a snowy walk tonight. I'm guessing it was from the white Siberian husky I often see taking its regular evening walk with his boss.


Is it snowing where you are tonight and you're out on a date with your spouse or friends, too? Don't drink and drive and drive safely, don't forget, the first snow causes the road to be too slippery and if you are a driver you know why that is ;) . Yes, it's late but am still pretty full tonight so I decided to post anyway.

This content's 100% mine. I took the pics and the video with my Samsung A3 .

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