End of the week - Top 15 Poetry Picks - One Human basket


Welcome to Sunday's Top Picks!

Top 15 Poetry Picks is brought to you by the number 4 and the letter M.

  • Top picks are from Jul 12 - Jul 16
  • Listed in the order I found them
  • Still active at the time of this post...

Table of Contents

  1. Into the Ocean Where Darkness Shines by @d-pend
  2. The Orchard-Like Crystal Reflections of Ripe Fruit by @mamadini
  3. Cacophony by @artdellavita
  4. Love of Sorts by @artdellavita
  5. Fallen Friend by @girlbeforemirror
  6. Chimayo New Mexico by @pebsheart
  7. Two Days and Two Once More by @lukakorba
  8. Pain of Broken Heart by @flamepower
  9. Exchange by @billykeed
  10. An Original Love by @lukakorba
  11. Luna the Lightning Bug by @poetrychick
  12. Dark Poetry Nothingness by @japhofin8or
  13. Reaching Out by @rensoul17
  14. Middle of the Night by @amarie
  15. Digital Revolution by @maryjanepower

Here is the music complilation I listened to while I put together this post (2 hours+)

And now for...THE TOP 15 (Poetry Picks)!


"Digital Revolution" by @maryjanepower

There was a time when mail arrived like snail,
Then came internet, at last we had e-mail.
In an instant my message is sent and received,
We came a long way, there's even instant newsfeed!

There was a time when money was gold,
Then gold turned to note which the big banks like to hold.
The greed of the few made the wise think anew,
So bitcoin was born and other coins had ensued.

Social media CEO's had become billionaires,
With all the free content we willingly share.
The greed of the few made the wise think anew,
So Steemit was born... cheers to me and you!


This one rhymed well and had excellent flow. It speaks to the reader, fully embracing the 'digital' feel. Thanks for sharing!


"Middle of the Night" by @amarie

In the middle of the night
I sit and write by the lamplight
My dog napping on the chair beside me
I feel the chill of the air conditioned air
The soft neck-tickle of my hair
And the pull of sleep to the nth degree
While entranced by the computer screen
I struggle to obey the inevitable urging
From my humaness calling for sleeping

In the middle of the night
Still, I write until the morning light
When the sun peaks over the horizon
My eyelids bobbing like a beacon
Beckoning the dreams that await
Behind them in the dream state
Following their lead I finally heed
Welcoming the sleep that I need
My dog sleeping beside me


I feel that chill in the night and can picture myself with the dog, also. Your poem is palpable and yet surreal, as you whisk the reader away into your world. Thanks for being cool!


"Reaching Out" by @rensoul17

What can I say to inspire you,
causing you in turn to care?

What can I do to motivate you
to give a love that's unconditionally rare?

What must I share to prove to you
that you are a royal seed?

What must you see to embrace
these truths and live in honor and dignity?

What will it take to heal you,
soothe your spirit and bring you joy?

What will it take to free your mind
to know you are one of a kind?

What will it take to get your attention
long enough for you to receive
these words of wisdom
that in life you will need?

I'm asking what......


You ask me what and I immediately want to answer. Well done!


"Dark Poetry - Nothingness by @japhofin8or"


I'm truly in love with your dark style. It makes me question my own urges and feelings. Great work - keep it up!


"Luna the Lightning Bug (Cute Poem)" by @poetrychick

There was a campsite
that brought pure delight
to the kids that come
with their bubble gum.

They would set up tents
for special events
and blow some balloons
while picking tunes...

to play on guitars
and sit under stars,
sitting together
in fair weather...

and then they would sing
near the great big swing.
Along came Penny
with plate of many...

small wings of chicken-
a tasty pickin'-
for a grilled dinner
with her big sister.

They sat near green moss
with barbecue sauce
and ate cranberries
with salad veggies.

They watched a sunset
they would not forget.
And so, twilight came-
the evening to claim.

They heard crickets chirp
and silence disturb.
Then they saw a glow
near the grass so low.

about the pretty-
little flicker grew.
They jumped up and flew...

to the glowing spot
that they- with gusto- sought.
The source of the light
was a bug in flight.

A lightening bug
glowed near nature's rug.
Wonder filled the girls
like they found some pearls.

Karen cupped her hands
for her little plans
to gently reach out
for the bug to scout.

And when she caught it,
her hands were glow-lit
like she held the moon
hiding in cocoon.

She called a demand-
"Penny! Give your hand!
Look! A lightening bug!
Hold your hands real snug!"

They giggled with joy!
And they did employ-
sharing back and forth
for time that was worth.

Their eyes were dancing
with marvel, racing.
It was like treasure-
found in adventure!

"She glows like the moon
on a night in June!
Let's name her Luna!"
"That rhymes with tuna!"

Then they let her free
by the tall oak tree.
And Luna glowed bright
like a live night light.

"She's blinking goodbye!"
So they watched her fly...
All of a sudden-
a bunch flooded in!

They were surrounded
and quite astounded!
Luna's friends joined in-
going for a spin...

around the two girls,
flying in such swirls,
their lights all blinking
like wishful thinking.

They couldn't be more
animated for
the sheer excitement
in this time well-spent.

They came to the tent
happily content-
with sweet memories
in the summer breeze...

thinking back, they smiled;
as does every child-
recalling hands snug
around a lightening bug!


This one was so cute! I really think you nailed your objective there! Great job on making the hearts of steemit readers melt over and over again with each stanza :-)


"Coffee Break (A Poetic Interlude) - (An Original Love Poem)" by @lukakorba

i fell asleep
thinking about you,
and dozed off to a dream
where i had to live without you.

it was a scary place to ponder,
and as soon as i woke,
i found my mind flooded with wonder.

what has just occurred
deep inside my mind
is hard for everything’s a blur.

my vision's altered by these chemicals;
they say that it’s a drug,
but i just call it a medical.

like the aroma of this coffee,
filled with such a chilling sweetness
of a melted toffee;

the sweetness that encompasses
the kisses that you offer,
and i just must repeat
that they are medicals
cause suffer i do not
when our lips get fused together.

i wish i could just drown myself
in your lipstick forever,
and never have to know
what it’s like to lack
that feeling of security
for the weight on my back
is just too much.

but i’m okay
cause i can feel your touch,
and it’s a cure!

some things that cross my mind are so obscure,
but they always end up getting contrasted with something pure.


The content is excellent. This poem gives a feeling like no other. The coffee and lipstick can be tasted and reader is delighted and sorrowful when its over...


"Exchange" by @billykeed

Life is barter
From first breath
we give and take
Supply and demand
the market never sleeps
Each to their value
keep and discard
life recycles the rest
There’s a balance
in the construct
an invisible understanding
There’s no free lunch
Everything flips around
You get what you give
to the length of your breath
Love is the best exchange
Death is the last debt


The last two lies take the poem home. You do a great job of leading the reader one way and then another. Love and death are two truly powerful subjects. Nice job contrasting them.


"Pain Of Broken Heart ...... Love & Lies!" by @flamepower

Tears of blood fall from my broken heart
I never thought we would be apart

When you held me you said "forever"
Now that you're gone I know you meant "never"

Saying you love me with that look in your eye
And that was a cold hearted lie

Your tender touch, a soft kiss
Two things about you I will miss

As I sit here thinking about you
My face is wet with tears past due

I should've cried a long time ago
But I loved you so

I know they say love is blind
But I had only you on my mind

A hurt so deep it cuts like a knife
But wounds heal and I'll go on with my life


This poem encapsulates the moment perfectly. Thank you for your contribution to my head this week! :-)


"Two Days And Two Once More - (An Original Love Poem)" by @lukakorba

oh queen, what have i done to have
you in my arms each time you laugh?
the soothing murmur of your voice
leaves me with nothing but no choice-
i grin so often at your sight,
and would do anything, for i
devote myself to your gold ore,
and can't stop coming back for more.

i stand alone on nights like this-
my eyes filled solely with a kiss;
your lips on mine, we share a breath.
stand by your side i will till death.
i wet and wet and wet! - oh why
can i not let out but a sigh!?
two days and two once more and we
will reunite and cease to feel lonely.


Lovely and impacting...


"Chimayo New Mexico" by @pebsheart

He laid his crutches on the floor, family tears streaming
The old man was on all fours, trying for one last trick
Once more his eyes would take in the light of the world.
Once more the legs would work.
Once more his heart opened to the love his grandchildren spent
How many more times would his heart sing with the long souled beat of the drum?
Youth flies quicker than the eagle hunting for wisdom
Beauty fades into the mountains and caresses the pines
God or spirit is in this place waiting for the old man to realize
The flight of soul that will finally free all earthly concerns.


Pretty deserving. This poem still resonates with me. Perhaps this one has impacted me the most this week. Quite an excellent capture of the emotions of the human soul. Great work!


"Fallen Friend (Ode Challenge)" by @girlbeforemirror

You were never treated as an equal to those on the inside,
Through wind and rain and snow, given nowhere safe to hide.

When I ventured out into the yard you were always there,
Available in times of need to support my derrière.

Being stuck inside the house can sometimes feel hard,
I'd step out and there you were, awaiting in the yard.

The picnic rug I'm sitting on can not compare to you,
It rained last night, my arse is wet, the water's soaked right through.

I witnessed your last moment beneath dear Mrs Plum,
I realised never again would you be craddling my bum.

We bought a mould plastic one while shopping in Kmart,
Although I 'spose it does the job, it's lacking any heart.

You moulded to my form over the time we spent together,
The new one is okay, but adequately replace you, it will never.

Every time it rains at night I think of you my friend,
If I'd taken better care perhaps you be holding my rear end.

I wish I had appreciated what I had with you,
Nothing can replace you, no-one knew my butt like you.


This one is so classic! You really made my day, lol! Thanks again!


"Love of Sorts- A Poem" by @artdellavita

What is love
But a mere thought
Of paradise and ambrosia
Of kiss bitten lips
And wrinkles ironed
Into sheets
Love is a tragedy
A comedy of sorts
Passionate, unfolding
Like a bloom
Ready to share its nectar
With the highest bidder
Love is the touch
That leaves you trembling
That whispers obscenities
Into a lovers ear
Love is the force
A force which guides us
And lights the path
Where lovers chose to roam
Love is home


This one is very popular, as it should be. Well deserved praise for your poem of love!


"Cacophony- A Poem" by @artdellavita

A tangled cacophony of sadness
And goodbyes left unspoken
I reached
You reached
But a ravine of smoke
And music
Was too deep
For us to cross
Me with my pen
You with your dreams
You running after me
And sometimes me catching up to you
The times paths were crossed
We braided our legs
My breasts covered your skin
And your music enveloped my lips
Only to be lost again
In a cacophony of dreams
And so we parted


You have skill in the emotional pull department. This poem is stirring and pulling indeed. My heartstrings...XO


"The orchard like crystal reflections of ripe fruit" by @mamadini

You’re looking round my trees again!
Well, the fruit all fell last fall,
I sure didn’t expect this
when the chilly winds rolled in.
Maybe they blew you in all cold to the bone,
all bones and phantom like,
looking for spring in my orchard.
I waited all summer and into the fall,
all those days
with nothing but the thought of you to live with
like stale air in a long closed room.
Breezeless hot summer days when the heat bakes hard,
burning days in hell while the trees’ roots reach deep down.
I watered the trees when they were dry,
then the birds came with the clouds like a plague….
The days long brought me to sleep and dreams,
dreams of you and I in the orchard,
in love with sun light washing down in beams of golden warmth;
your eyes touching me eternal,
the press of desire filling me hard,
my eyes golden capturing your love as the fruit grew
till the birds found the fertility of the orchard, like my love…
bare they left it,
as you did.
Look now, how the winter brings
the bite of frozen memories
and icy light dances in the halls
like a crystal chandelier that carries images of you and us,
of dreams and lies --
Of fruit and flies!


I just love your talent for impact! This is my most favorite poem of the week! I can feel the tension in the air as the poem builds from start to finish. Thanks for the relief as reader! You could have left us hanging, lol.


"Into The Ocean Where Darkness Shines" by @d-pend

Too often I’ve been content to
Wriggle around on the pond’s grey surface,
Extinguishing in the mud with flailing strokes
The fire of urgency. It died in child-eyes
When it was doubt-dampened
And dimmed by stagnant fate
In a motionless pool.

Anguish was
The slimy deluge of fish tears that
Slipped down face & gullet & numbed my conscience: It was
Rheumy snake eyes of burnished gold & flashing yellow greed that
Spit acid rain on my parade. No longer could I pantomime in
The fickle charade of a wise man.

Three turns at least, or was it seventeen?
On the winding paths of briars & ferns
That bled intelligence into the waiting chasm
Of my darkened mind in purple rivulets.


Skills abound! You deserve much praise for a poem well done. It flows and hits home all the same time to pack a powerful punch in the poetry wars - you win @d-pend! Thanks for all you do for the community! Steem-on!

Thanks for reading along!

I hope you will join me next week for more Top 15 Poetry Picks!!! Cheers!

Don't forget to use the "onehumanbasket" tag to ensure my 100% upvote and resteem.

  • Use "onehumanbasket" on photography, art and other types of posts besides poetry. Posts using both "poetry" and "onehumanbasket," however, will remain higher priority since I wish to curate the poetry community specifically.
  • Official entries to the Poetry Dice Challenge 3000 will have the highest priority vote.
  • ONLY use the "poetrydice" tag for official entries to the contest.
  • I also curate posts with just "poetry.” Any left-over voting power gets used for highly selective posts that I hope contribute to the "onehumanbasket" feel.

Other Posts by @robyneggs (still active)

Week 3 Roll - PDC3K
Winner’s - Week 2 PDC3K
Twilight poem
BW Photo Contest Entry 2
Midweek Top 15
Black and White Photo Contest - Entry 1
Finley Wildlife Refuge Trails
Ode Challenge Entry

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