🌅 Midweek -Top 15 Poetry Picks- 🌄

Thank You!

To everyone joining in the One Human Basket community - Thank You!! ❤️


  • Here are my top picks from Jul 8 - Jul 12 (midweek post)
    Listed in the order I found them
    Still active at the time of this post

Table of Contents:

  1. Perilous Beauty by @egregorian
  2. The Island by @artsyppl
  3. Shut In/A Mother’s Love by @japhofin8or
  4. Empty house by @jerrytsuseer
  5. A Sonnet of Love
  6. Ship of Love by @thebigdelay
  7. Poem for us friends by @curiesea
  8. 100 follower tribute poem by @unspeakableme
  9. Icarus by @carlieester
  10. The Best Pet that can Be by @hopehuggs
  11. I think therefore I am by @droucil
  12. Behind the Fence by @wandrnrose7
  13. My Prince by @tegoshei
  14. My Dreams are like a Bubble by @jerrytsuseer
  15. Let’s Go Shopping by @pyrowngs


No. 1 Perilous Beauty by @egregorian

Perilous Beauty
"Instants of truth de-mask forms mystery,
Revealing the wonder of what once was unknown.
The hearts purpose rising beyond instinctual grounds,
Within the center of light all unfolds
And the vastness that is love receives ones beauty.

Visions of wo-man as one arose all alone,
Eyes so radiant seared the heart unbound,
A visage hidden behind a mask of spiraling holds
The esoteric wonder of what must be free.
Her yearning for healing in an instant shown.

The sight now aware of the garment around
This being; a shroud of mist enfolds
A formless essence apparent as perilous beauty.
So alive the witness allows the darkness to atone,
For truth in its simplistic surrender is found.

As one's consciousness arises more meaning is foretold.
Lying atop her breasts of pearl, a piece of jewelry
Lay, which illuminates the soul no one owns.
A seeming ruby of enlightening that surrounds
All being; her bosom within knows loves mould.

Worn on the brow, a golden crown one sees,
Now rays of holiness undo fears groan,
As she abides in paradise where songs of joy resound.
The highest courts graced by a presence untold,
For what is spoken is lost in the keepers memory.

Now the separateness of loss redeemed by truth
First bewilders then releases the mind of reason,
As her persona of perfection is realized.
The pilgrim now is the vision it always knew,
While one may voice suggestion, she, is eternally you."


No. 2 The Island by @artsyppl

The Island Poem and Drawing
"It is an early morning
I need an island in the sea,
Away from you away from me,
Beyond the waves beyond the wind,
Beyond the world that we live in,
Under skies of shining stars,
Away from lights and noisy cars,
Above the egos and the stress,
Beyond the world we made a mess.
A place for me a place for you,
An earth that's green and sky that's blue,
A place for you a place for me,
An open sky and light blue sea,
With dreams as solid as the ground,
A place like this I think I've found.
A happy thought no one can take it,
A place like this is where we make it.
I need a mountain in the sky,
Just beneath where angels fly,
Where snowflakes falling on the ground,
Is the most wild sound,
Above the waves above the wind,
Above the world that we live in,
Above my life above the stress,
Where I can lay it all to rest,
Under skies of falling snow,
Just above the world below,
Just above the trees and birds,
A place I can't describe in words.
An empty place that's so appealing,
How would I get this stupid feeling?
Bad ideas come and go,
But none as strong as the snow,
I need no island in the sea,
Just the things that makes me me.
I need no mountain in the sky,
Just to laugh try not to cry,
Forget these far off fantasies,
And clear as reality,
Reach out and grab it in good time,
Live the moment make it mine,
Catch the moment make it last.
Just be grateful when it's past.
Sensations as real as the wind,
Try not to be sad when it ends.
A happy thought no one can take it,
A time like this is when we make it.
I need an island in the sea,
And all of that which makes me me."


No. 3 Shut In/A Mother’s Love by @japhofin8or

Shut In / A Mother's Love
"I peer through the scope on the door
at the man across the street mowing
his lawn for the third time this week
and I know he is waiting for me to
come out but I won't because I know
he means to do me harm in some
horrible way. I just stand and watch.

They are everywhere, the harm-doers.
They're in the houses and in the cars
and in the planes overhead and the
trains below. They are always watching,
always waiting for just a moment. That's
all they need, just a moment to make their
move. That's what mom used to say.

I went to school when I was young
because the people told my mom I
had to and the harmers would point
and whisper and wait around walls.
I would tell my mom when I got home
and she would say that they'll get theirs
and I wonder if they ever did get theirs.

They think they have the upper hand
because they can listen through the TV
and see through the walls but I leave
the TV on static and have painted the
inner walls black and never turn on
the lights so they cannot do either.
Mom taught me to be smart like that.

I only go out late at night to the grocery
store once a month to get my food because
even bad people have to sleep. I have the
food delivered and left outside my door.
I don't drive because hurters drive and I
can hide to there and back and they never
even know I was out. Mom would be proud.

I know that eventually they will get me
because there are so many of them and
I'm alone because Mom hasn't been awake
for a very long time and I don't even go to
her room anymore because she just lays
there and I have to make sure they don't
get to her so I just wait and watch and wait
and watch and wait and watch............"


No. 4 Empty house by @jerrytsuseer

Empty House
"Sometimes I feel like an empty house, with nothing left but memories.
I know it is just that I am tired or depressed, so I accept the
feeling and I embrace it. I may be a house, but I am far
from empty, for I am filled with love. I have my
moments when this may not seem true,
but they are few and far between,
And if I have my way, they will
be even fewer still."


No. 5 A Sonnet of Love by @jerrytsuseer

A Sonnet of Love

I am but a droplet, in a sea of love,
Indistinguishable from all the rest.
Tides pull me; I go, I know not where thereof.
The gravity of love I can’t arrest.

Water will find its level, love finds what’s true,
Reaching the inner depths of our being.
Filling empty spaces; all the darkness too,
Leaving no space; no hatred I’m seeing.

It is futile to resist the flow of Love,
In time you will be assimilated.
All will become one, a single treasure trove.
Radiating love, hunger un- sated.

Love, leaking from our hearts, seeping from all pores,
Minds eye encompassing, forevermore."


No. 6 Ship of Love by @thebigdelay

Ship of Love
"My love is blowing hot and cold
across a map of stars
And all the winds behind its sail
are coloured by its wars
And all the wounds behind its veil
are fathered by its flaws
And all the sounds of common strife
are grifting with its oars

By tattered trade winds blown in squall
It’s tacking at a slant
Across this pitch of blackened glass
Misted by its rants

My love consumes a debt of waves
And tongues the lusting shore
Its only owners are its slaves
their glamour is its pall

My love runs true, a ship of state
cast out in stateless seas
Above its foam, below its grime
We haul our destinies

My love peeps out behind the sky
that hides the prying dawn
Advancing down the hidden lines
our destinies have drawn

My love is lashed upon the wheel
and binds the rudders too
My love is creeping on the decks
My love is running true

My love is faltered by the whip
My love has broken bounds
My love is turmoil on the waves
My love is running ground

My love is free, my love is caged
It’s free, then caged again
My love is all the cast of time
Its women and its men

My love is steel, my love is rope
My love is fear, my love is hope
My love is limit, my love it’s scope

My love is lost, my love is found
My love is heat, my love is sound
And all the engines of my love
Can't turn this ship around"


No. 7 Poem for us friends by @curiesea

"Friends ....
Oh Friends want me and facing
Old memories thrive!

I want to repeat that sweet story
To continue meditating
Remember me fellow and on which occasion are we.
Remember me in your prayer
Before the story is very beautiful
You are friends

When I wake up
Unite my expectations with you
Because they will mingle
People believe in faithful dreams
The screen is a dream of prayer
Actually I still remember you
As friends and friends
We may be blessed

I pray that you may be happy
In this world and hereafter"


No. 8 100 follower tribute poem by @unspeakablme

Milestone Post
"It's been an exciting journey
for a minnow like me
Finally reaching a hundred followers
it's a reason for glee!

But I couldn't entirely feel
the number I can see
"Oh, you ungrateful wretch"
you might think of me

Wait, let me say my side
perhaps you might even agree!
A hundred followers now
many can barely see

No, not in the profile listing
but rather in many a post
I've seen others with larger followings
with barely a dollar to their post

As my number increased
I felt more compelled to post
But with the payout day close
most of my followers were like a ghost

With no eyeballs to my work
I'd think: Oh, no! I must absolutely suck
But still, I kept posting
while hoping it was mostly bad luck

Yes, it might be my writing
but as I went through the list
With a heavy heart, I ate my ice cream
wallowing in this new twist

Most of my number came
from people who wanted me to follow
Using this tactic of "following to be followed" on me
my heart felt very hollow

Thus for this milestone post
it's not all about a gushing look-back
But a weird sort of confession
while I ate my delicious snack

But all the follow-to-follow aside
I do want to say a lot of "thank you"
to those few non-ghost people
who spent time to give my post a view

Thank you for the eyeball
Thank you for the vote
Thank you for the comment
My heart took note

I hope you stick around
And I hope I don't actually suck
I will try and improve my writing
So I won't have to mostly rely on luck

A toast to more adventures with you
in front of our computer screens
Cheers to us being in Steemit
May it grant all our dreams!"


No. 9 Icarus by @carlieester

"Shooting through the stars
Beneath my toes are scattered shards
Of yellowed glass,
Their pictures painted far too fast
Their colours run
Pointing to a narrow past
Before I lift off before I take
A step I know the past is yet
To come the past is yet to come

Hinting at a yellow sun
This cosmic grace this glancing
Back to tap the compass
Test your wits with navigation
Who cares which way is up or down
Your map is in your eyes
And all I see is yellow glass
Crashing to the desert sand
While cactus holding out their hands
Praying for a falling god this
Step I take off before I step
I know the past is yet to come

Let me tie your wings on tighter
Let me make your shoulders lighter
Let me make your smile shine brighter
No, I will show you off above the sun
Fly me higher than the sun

And all I see is yellow shards of glass
As you float past
Time slows down and catches up
As you fall down into the desert sand
Into prickly outstretched hands
And with one crash
The sun will close his eyes while Icarus dances on a yellow sky."


No. 10 The Best Pet That Can Be by @hopehuggs

The Best That Can Be
"Your feathers are like fire
I keep you in the byre
Your tail is like a fan
And it is colored tan.
Your wings are neatly tucked in
Not like any fishes fin.
Your body is an oblong
And your neck is long.
Your beak is not weak
Nor are you meek.
Your legs are colored gold
Those you could never hold
A crown of red
Sits upon your head.
Your eyes are like wee beads
Forever searching for seeds
As far as I can see
You are the best pet that can be."


No.11 I think therefore I am by @droucil

I think, therefore I am
"Who I am..
..may that who I be?

Who I be..
..be that my thoughts?

Be my thoughts..
..who I am?

Or am I..
..who my thoughts be?

Am I my thoughts?
Who is thinking my thoughts?
Might I be who hears my thoughts?
Are my thoughts even that of my own?
Are my thoughts even that of reality?
Are my thoughts even real?
Are my thoughts..
Who I am..?

Who am I?!?!"


No. 12 Behind the Fence by @wandrnrose7

Behind the Fence
"We stare out
Peer through bars
Tremble at the world we've seen.
Fingers gingerly run
Across smooth metal.
One eye
Centered on life
And death.

The other side,
Can we reach
The other side?

Will we touch
A grass blade
And wonder
In cool shade
Of Summer
And when fire
Caught the sun.

Just a wrinkle of time...
A step
In sublime
If we but walk
Beyond the fence."


No. 13 My Prince by @tegoshei

My Prince
"Fairy Tales are nothing but absolute deceptions
It’s just a sarcastic way to trick our emotions
It’s merely a made-up story for kids
But for me, it’s nothing but deceit

I somehow wonder if people would agree
Or they’ll only see a “kill-joy” or “bitter” me
But this is a genuine thought, I may say
False hopes only makes us melancholic and astray

But one night, came something unforeseen
I ate my words, t’is all it has been
Someone arrived and opened my eyes
That fairy tales aren’t at all big lies"


No. 14 My Dreams are like a Bubble by @jerrytsuseer

My Dreams are like a Bubble
"My dreams are like a bubble, floating by with colors all a-swirl
I close my eyes and this drab world disappears, to be
Replaced by things of ‘wish they were here’ and
Other fanciful things. It is now that time, when
My bed is calling my name, so for now I leave
You all my friends; I have Lions I must go
To tame. Be well, be rested, when the
Day you greet anew, and I will be
There with you, to say
I Love You Too."


No. 15 Let's Go Shopping by @pyrowngs

Let's Go Shopping - Ode to a Broken Lawn Chair
"I cannot tell a lie
My broken lawn chair makes me cry
With tears of Joy to know
You sacrificed yourself just so.
And now I have the perfect reason
To go buy some new adirondack chairs
For this summer, to sit in all season!"

Hope you Enjoy these as much as I did!

They are all my favorite - I can't pick just one! Which is why all 15 need to be posted, immediately! 😃
Thanks again for participating in the poetry community and I welcome you to "One Human Basket."

Bonus Post:

How to find a paranormal friend to haunt your home: for fun and profit - tribute by @thelord
(This post took me 3 hours to craft)

Don't forget to use the "onehumanbasket" tag to ensure my 100% upvote and resteem.

  • Use "onehumanbasket" on photography, art and other types of posts besides poetry. Posts using both "poetry" and "onehumanbasket," however, will remain higher priority since I wish to curate the poetry community specifically.
  • Official entries to the Poetry Dice Challenge 3000 will have the highest priority vote.
  • ONLY use the "poetrydice" tag for official entries to the contest.
  • I also curate posts with just "poetry.” Any left-over voting power gets used for highly selective posts that I hope contribute to the "onehumanbasket" feel.

I curate #poetry and posts with the tag #onehumanbasket
Find out more in the NEW Poetry Dice Challenge

Other posts by Robyn Eggs (still active)

Black and White Photo Contest -Entry 1
Finley Wildlife Refuge Trails
Ode challenge Entry
PDC3K - Week 2
Winners of Week 1 PDC3K
Lost Ducks of Willamette River
Color Challenge - Saturday Indigo
Jul 1- Jul 8 Weekly Top Picks
Sun Thursday + Poem
Art Collaboration with @everlove
Road to Bob

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~one human basket~

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