@TermiteMusic's Hip Hop MC Challenge # 5 - My Entry: "Always Moving Forward" (Original Song)

I recommend headphones for this one, full lyrics are provided below so you can read or rap along. I appreciate you all for listening and reading my lyrics.

Verse 1:
This beat is so sick, it's a shame I'm not a doctor
But I've got some bandages in my locker
First Aid Kit, wrap it quick with a soft shirt
It's always serious when your cough hurts

I rap so hard sometimes I fall first
Frontline man, another Call Clerk
Always do my best, even if it's only small bursts
So when I'm making moves, there'll be sometimes I gotta crawl in spurts

Hate it when I'm down, I've acknowledged worse
Knowing that I cannot make an impact when I'm flawing verse
Focused on my weaknesses, a piece of this is only work
I take a breath, then I'm sprinting 'til I sprawl in dirt

I'm pushing life pulling death, like I'm hauling hearse
Staying flowing with the currents, I got you all immersed
What I'm seeing as a blessing many call a curse
Moving forward always in His grace, surely not reverse......

Song Lyrics Copyrighted By @Verbal-D

If you missed my other previous Rap Challenge Wk & Hip Hop MC Challenge Entries, Please click on the provided links below:

Rap Challenge Wk # 2: Role Model First, Emcee Second
Rap Challenge Wk # 4: Bringer Of Life
Rap Challenge Wk # 5: Deep, Lingering Pain
Rap Challenge Wk # 6: A Gorge Of Love In A Valley Of Hate
Rap Challenge Wk # 7: Steemit Hip Hop Community

Rap Challenge Wk # 8: Everybody Wants To Be An Original
Rap Challenge Wk # 14: The Great Design
Rap Challenge Wk # 15: How Can You Miss 'Em?
Rap Challenge Wk # 16: Due Diligence
Rap Challenge Wk # 17: It's Time To Grow

Hip Hop MC Challenge # 1: "Imprisoned In Your Mind?

Thank you for reading & listening to this post in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it for what it's worth.

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