Spot the robot. 看到机器人吗?
Have not posted for while because been trying to get Microsoft to fixed my PC which they broke by sending over an Nvidia update. Still broken. :-(
就近没发贴因为家里的电脑让微软修逼过来的Nvidia更新搞到不能开机。还没搞定。:-( 无论如何,让我继续吧。
Introduction | 简介
River Hongbao is an event that happens during the Lunar New Year at The Float at Marina Bay in Singapore. It is a kind of annual Lunar New Year carnival where many lanterns will be displayed, games stalls, food stalls, rides and others will be set up. There are also performances. Part of the objective of this event organised by Singapore Tourism Board is to attract tourist. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, my wife and I usually visit relatives. In the evening, we decide to go to the River Hongbao. This is part 2 of a series of photos taken there.
Previous parts are here:
📷Lunar New Year Day 1 at River Hongbao-1🏮
📷 Lunar New Year Day 1 at River Hongbao-2🏮
River Hongbao | 春到河畔
These next few are very interesting. They feature Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserves which is a nature reserve located in the northern countryside of Singapore. This place is home to migratory birds for a few months around November to February.
这些接下来几张个是非常有趣的。 它们显示了双溪布洛湿地保护区。这是位于新加坡北部郊外的自然保护区。很多候鸟都在是11月到2月这几个月在这里落脚。
Next, the big Rooster together with the future of Singapore. See the robots?
This is where you can try to guess some riddles. We sort of call it guess lantern riddle literally.
This one represents the people of Singapore.
To be continued | 待续
- 📷 Lunar New Year Day 1 at River Hongbao-2 | 年初一在春到河畔迎-2🏮
- 📷 Lunar New Year Day 1 at River Hongbao-1 | 年初一在春到河畔迎-1🏮
- 📷Nodrone Photography from Marina Bay Financial Center | 高高在上拍摄在滨海湾金融中心
- Now I show how and why import photos into Microsoft Powerpoint | 我示范如何和为什么导入照片到Microsoft Powerpoint 📷
- 🚶📷Go with me to pre-New Year mall hopping in Johor Bahru-3 |跟我去新山看年货逛商场-3🏮
- 🚶📷Go with me to pre-New Year mall hopping in Johor Bahru-2 |跟我去新山看年货逛商场-2🏮
- 🚶📷Go with me to pre-New Year mall hopping in Johor Bahru - 跟我去新山看年货逛商场🏮
- 🌷Flowers for a good week ahead - 好花让你好一周 (20170205) (ORIGINAL)
Please see my other posts: @ace108
请看我其他帖: @ace108