Is it a mirage? 海市蜃楼?

I climbed up the hill behind my house, the hill is not high, but it will take me about 30 minutes to reach the top, the slope is relatively long and slow. Climbing to the top, you can see the surface of the Sea, that is Donggang. I suddenly found that there were hills in the distance of the sea, is this really a mirage? I'm confused. This is the picture I took with my cell phone, without any modification. The hill on the sea is really like a mirage, isn't it?

照片2015 020.jpg

Camera used : iphone6
Location : Dalian

我爬上我家后面的小山, 小山不高,但是爬上去需要30分钟,坡比较缓,比较长,爬到上面以后,就能看到北面的大海,那边是东港,突然发现,远处的海面上有小山,难道这真的是海市蜃楼吗?我迷惑了,这是我用手机拍的照片, 没加任何修饰,海面上的小山,真的有种海市蜃楼的感觉,不是吗?

My recent post here
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