My Tiny Garden - Sedum Spectabile Crystal Pink [7 photos]

What a pretty name for a pretty pink flowers (though I know someone who is gonna hate them and ;) )

Sedum Spectabile Crystal Pink

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Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/25, 1/200, 105mm, ISO640)

I took a small cutting from my mum last spring and planted it in a pot on my balcony. I was very pleasantly surprised when I was it blooming few months later in the summer! I didn't think a cutting will do that.

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Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/18, 1/160, 105mm, ISO200)

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Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/18, 1/160, 105mm, ISO200)

Yea, those are flower from last summer. They are gorgeous and delicate like a lace. I was hoping that some butterflies to come by for some free meal, but I guess they don't know there is some food here on the second floor :p

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Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/16, 1/500, 105mm, ISO160)

When the blooming is done in the fall, the whole plant dies off and waits for spring. Empty post don't look too nice, but I don't have frosts here so it already started to regrow. In the garden in Poland it is probably steel asleep under a layer of frozen soil.

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Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/6.3, 1/250, 105mm, ISO320)

Those photos I took today when it stopped raining for bit (no need for spay bottle :D)
The young plants look like lettuce!

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Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/6.3, 1/250, 105mm, ISO320)

sedum spectabile crystal pink 5.jpg
Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105 (f/25, 1/200, 105mm, ISO640)

Previously on My Tiny Garden


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