Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: John's View Part 3

It's been interesting seeing the difference in our photography styles as we've developed. Both John and I had cameras that day but our photos are very different. Mine were often close ups of specific plants and flowers, where John often focused more on the bigger picture. All the photos in this post were taken with a Nikon D7200 with a 55-140mm lens.

Here are the other posts that I've shared from this visit!
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Lily's Sets 1
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Lily's Sets 2
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Lily's Sets 3
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Lily's Sets 4
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Lily's Sets 5
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: Lily's Sets 6
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: John's View 1
Acapulco Botanical Garden Adventures: John's View 2

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