[POEM|HAIKU] - Starlight Night | Original 8 Haiku Poem for Steemit

Welcome, friends.

Thank you for coming to read my first Steemit Haiku!

User @poetrychick wrote a Haiku poem and it inspired
me to write one of my own.

I have not written a Haiku in... forever, so forgive me
if it's not up to standards.

Please, enjoy.

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Starlight Night

Darkness can engulf,
take hold, encompass the soul.
Banish it with light.

Darkness survives,
when all the lights go out.
A menacing fright.

Dimensional soul.
Living solemnly forever.
Darkness has no place.

Our long ancient past.
The old tale of why and how,
Darkness taunts our race.

The sheep wool is pulled
over the eyes; distracted.
The wolf, never far.

The great stars guide you,
the darkest night has guidance.
Weary, the old scar.

Now vibrate your Soul,
channel the realm of the light.
Surrender your fear.

Seek out your next goal,
never give up the good fight.
Your existence, Dear.


Thanks for reading!

If you like poetry, why not check out some of my content for some inspiration.

Here ya go, enjoy!

Check out my previous poems!
1 - Moonlight Butterfly
2 - Dandelion Seeds
3 - Abberation
4 - Thief's Song
5 - Queen of Tranquility
6 - Ascension Over Grand Symphonic Omega
7 - Sail into the Sunset of Life's Final Conclusion
8 - Kiss Goodnight
9 - Antique Jewelry Box
10 - Offering to the Seas
11 - Mary-Jane's Trees Shade my Day
12 - Darkness Allure
13 - Groggy Morning
14 - Magical Rite
15 - Hero's Cape
16 - Flavours of Pain
17 - My Liquid Half


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