luctor et emergo

luctor et emergo

the struggle of life so lonely and never ending
feels like an arctic wind so mighty and relentless
an eternal fight that's grim and feels so endless
that my life is accommodating by forever bending

it makes me feel like being crushed by a wave
air pushed out of me to the point of suffocation
until it feels like i'm finally leaving this incarnation
trying hard to bury me in a dark and watery grave

this precipice below inviting me to join into oblivion
light sheds from above through the waters of obsidian
my hands are firmly tied yet i swim like a true olympian
holding life's breath while moving on in slow motion

the road to hell is paved with good intentions
a lonely path that's winding across a frozen land
makes me feel that from success i've been banned
it doesn't care about my well meant interventions

what real knowledge of success does failure hold
that seems to be so crucial to my life's progression
could be key to reverse this everyday recession
teach me lessons about success i've not been told

this is the struggle that goes on mostly unseen
all the while the failure is always clearly spotted
faithful observing would show a soul so very knotted
hiding it's deep emotions that inside do convene

but i know i should keep on diligently filtrating
by dissecting failure into many shades of success
cutting out the darkness and keeping the finesse
all the while resisting a life that keeps on grating

i know persistence, humility and true love are the remedy
needed to end this journey on this damned slave ship
it's this dungeon of my own skull i truly need to slip
to enable this great escape into a life of more amenity

when from this darkest iron age i victoriously emerge
with my eyes again accustomed to the brightest skies
i'll be feeling stronger, happy and so much more wise
on that day intentions and success will finally converge


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We all know about struggle and failing one way or the other. How we handle it is a personal matter, we could let it drag us down or we can be buoyed up by it. If you see life as an experiment which yields results you will always learn from them.

If you want to read more, check out some more stuff I wrote:

a poetic poetry review - daily dose 24
an experiment with word shape and meaning
excercise with shape and words
fifty - fifty
feelings in motion
my drowning land
nothing from nothing
infinite bandwidth
just a limerick
i've always been me
life is suffering
An anecdotal poetry experiment
When it rains it pours
Dreaming about Steeming
For the love of stones
Mind, body and soul
United dreams
Talk about addiction

Free the drugs

And if you like them, please upvote, resteem or follow! All are appreciated.


umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu!

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