A Positive Post

As I write this, I am physically suffering the effects of 23 fractured bones. No, I didn't do anything fun to get this way, so I don't even have that.

But I am hopeful and optimistic. And in a lighter mood than the Doctors expect someone who cannot walk to be in!


Because I chose to live a happy life.

I wasn't always this way. I used to be pessimistic. As a teenager I felt the world owed me. Yeah, I was a bratty, snobby, entitled teen. I'm not proud of it but it is what it is and I will be honest.

I decided that is not how I wanted to live my life. Negativity attracts negativity and I was sick of being around people that brought me down. One day I just woke up and looked around and said Oh hell no, this isn't me. I was not aware of resources so I changed myself by myself.

If I can do it you can too!


I started focusing on the good and happy things. And taking a moment to actually acknowledge them. When you switch your mindset like that you start to notice more of the good, and before long you see the good everywhere, you begin to think the good thoughts before the negative ones, and you actually begin attracting more good things to your reality!

Be Kind

To others and yourself.

I know, it's harder than it sounds to be kind to yourself. We are our own worst critics. But the more you turn away from self judgement, the easier it gets.

Share the Happy!

The simple act of giving to someone in need is great therapy for the psyche. And it doesn't even have to be volunteering for a charity, although by helping those less fortunate you will appreciate what you have.

Stop by and have tea with your elderly neighbor. Her family is all moved away and she can't get out much- she is lonely. You will totally make her day by spending an hour with her! And your heart will feel so warm and filled, I promise you :)

Or give a few words of encouragement to the middle schooler you see practicing basketball every afternoon. School is hell and you know he gets a lot of shit from his peers- it's the nature of the teen herd mentality beast. Your encouraging words will stick with him, and truly mean a lot.

To you it may seem like a small gesture, but to someone else it will mean the world.

Surround Yourself With Happy!

It's hard not to be happy when you actively surround yourself with happy people and things! It actually takes great effort, lol.

Watch funny movies, read the positive, meaningful "news", play with a puppy. Just engage in the good and you'll leave little room for the bad.

Write it Down, Talk About it, Then Move on

Sometimes bad stuff happens. That's life. But don't hold onto it. You gotta let it go- negativity and stress breeds cancer. Get it out by talking about it, either to a trusted friend or therapist, then write it down. Write it all down. Then light the paper and visualize your stress and worry riding the smoke to the heavens and dissipating. You'll be amazed at how therapeutic this is.


I know I know, we hear it all the time. Exercise is good for practically every aspect of life.

But it's true! Exercise brings oxygen to our cells- the less oxygen you have the faster you age.

Exercise releases the feel good chemicals in the body which give you a natural, healthy high. And when you look better and feel better your confidence soars- it's hard to feel negative after a brisk workout!


The act of smiling actually tricks the brain! Try it! Next time you're having a down day, smile at everyone. And I mean a real smile, not a sarcastic forced grin ;) Pretty soon you will feel happier, you can't not! It's a cool little trick that works every time.

Attitude is a decision. Life is just a series of events. If the journey is pleasant or not is absolutely your choice :)

Go forth and be happy today, you owe it to yourself :)

Images via Creative Commons and Giphy

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