We Miss Out On Life's Beauty When We Focus On Trying To Make Things Perfect

It is sad how we often times channel our attention and all of our energy into going after perfection and all that we believe life is supposed to be, that we end up losing sight of what life is at that moment.

We get consumed by the thoughts of having the perfect life or the desire of going after things we do not have, we forget that there are things we have, which may not be perfect but are still beautiful and we need to be grateful for them.

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing bad about going after what you believe you should have but while you are at that, don't let the idea of perfection tear you apart and close your eyes from seeing how beautiful your life is.

There is beauty, even in imperfections, that is something we need to realize inorder to live a happier and a fulfilled life. When we have a distorted view of life, one filled with the illusion of perfection, we might never get to see that beauty in which life is filled with and that really does steal our joy.

Maybe our desire for perfection is what holds us back from reaching certain heights. Maybe it is what keeps us from being satisfied with life. Maybe it's that desire that makes it seem like things never work out.

We need to sometimes learn to step back and let things flow just as they are supposed to be. There is a sense of joy and fulfilment that comes with letting things unravel and seeing how things fall into their right places (remember that right doesn't equal perfect).

Life isn't perfect but even in its imperfection, when you walk down the street there is this person who smiles at you, there is this person who compliments you and even offers to help you out (when needed).

Now, isn't that worth being grateful for? But the sad thing is that you won't get to notice all of these little but beautiful things when you have your eyes set on perfection because these things might seem useless, but they are not. Learning to appreciate these little things will definitely help us see life in a different way

I believe the idea of perfection only distort our view of life and it's sad how we let that which offers such little reward do this much damage to us.

Life is beautiful and that beautify isn't perfection. So, why don't you let yourself live life and enjoy every moment of it (perfect or not) because once that moment is gone, it won't be recovered again.


Much Love, Audrey

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