A Guide to steemit for Charities - anyone interested in collaborating on this?

Running the A Dollar A Day daily giving project for the past couple of months made me aware of the massive potential steemit and the steem blockchain have for raising funds for charities and charitable causes.

Just in a few short weeks the four of us contributing to the A Dollar A Day project raised the equivalent of almost US$1000.

That didn't involve any great fundraising efforts or events it was just through contributing a small portion of the rewards we had been earning through our usual activities on steemit.

Through the project I got to know some wonderfully dedicated people on the platform who are involved in raising awareness and funds for charitable causes around the world.

These include @azizbd and his @schoolforsdg4 in Bangladesh, @surfermarly and her @dreamsoftheocean project in the Canary Islands, Stephen and Marian and the @papilloncharity in South Africa, @RhondaK and the @tarc animal rescue centre in the USA, and @SirCork and his global blockchain charity @YouAreHope.

Although I am sure there are other charities and charitable causes on steemit I don't believe there are many more.

Steemit so far is largely untapped territory for charitable fundraising.

As the numbers on the platform grow there will be plenty of scope for more charities to get onboard to raise funds and awareness.

The number of charities finding steemit will no doubt grow organically as awareness spreads.

But charities might be an interesting niche to proactively market steemit to. In limited number to start at least.

As part of this it might be useful to provide some sort of miniguide :

"How to use steemit as a charity"

Of course most of the common principles of steemit would be the same for a charity as they are for any newcomer to the platform - post quality content, network and build connections, be consistent and persistent...

But there would be some elements of steemit life that would be quite particular to charities - especially around openness and transparency of financial reporting.

A Guide to steemit for Charities might include :

  • What is steemit
  • Getting known on steemit
  • What to post and how often
  • Using DTube with steemit
  • How to raise funds on steemit
  • Selling merchandise on steemit
  • Using steemit with other social media
  • Campaigning and promotion on steemit
  • Financial reporting and transparency
  • Withdrawing funds from steemit

While I have had some experience with charities as a volunteer, an employee, a director and a trustee that has been for relatively brief periods and mostly many years ago.

I would therefore be very keen to collaborate on the guide with others on steemit that are actively involved in charitable organisations.

I am happy to coordinate the project and pull it all together but I would welcome input, ideas, suggestions, case studies etc

In the first instance, if you are at all interested, please let me know in the comments below your thoughts on these questions :

1. Is steemit a suitable platform for charities?
2. Would a specific guide for charities on steemit be useful?
3. Are there any areas I have missed in the potential content list for the guide?
4. Would you be interested in contributing to the guide? If so how?

You can also message me on Discord @pennsif#9921

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[ money image from pixabay - Creative Commons CC0 // graphics by @pennsif ]

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