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Skury was a popular figure in Surulere. He was the chairman of the transport union oh the central motor park, in Surulere. Being a tout, he fought his way to the chairmanship post of motor park.

Academically, Skury was half baked funnily, he always claimed that he was well admirers especially the young innocent ones to his side. That way, he discouraged them from embracing education. In his primary school days, Skury was always late for school. Not that alone, he was among the unserious ones. On most occasion, he left home and never got to school. Invariably, he along with his followers continued to roam the streets in school uniform doing nothing.

Then, every attempt to make him understand the importance of education by his teacher failed. Therefore, at the end of his primary school education he failed out.

Fortunately for him and in accordance with the government directive to encourage mass literacy, a law was passed that every eligible young child must be enrolled in school, both in primary and secondary schools. As a result, he was admitted into secondary school even with his poor result.

An evening coaching was then organized for pupils who were academically poor to brush them up so that they could catch up with others. Unfortunately, Skury refused to attend the coaching classes and his academic performance worsened.

Furthermore, he refused to attend classes. He also did not so his assignments. He later belonged to a group of bad students in the school. All his bad habits continued for two years until a new principal in person of Mr. Nelson was transferred to the school.

Mr. Nelson was a disciplinarian, he was tough, intelligent and a no nonsense man. In his former school, he was feared by his students because, whoever was found wanting in his studies would definitely face the music without fear or favor; even if it was to be his son, he would mete out the same punishment as others. Therefore, his students were always very serious with their studies.

His posting to the community secondary school, Surulere generated diverse opinion, many applauded the move, while others were indifferent especially the nonchalant parents and lazy students.

Knowing full well that he was a disciplinarian, those who welcomed the principal's transfer knew that his posting to the community would be for the better. They were sure that the standard of education of the school would surely be better.

Skury was among those two who were against his transfer to the school. He got information about him and knew that he would definitely move against them. However there was nothing he could do to change the posting. But he had his agenda in case he would not be able to cope.

Mr. Nelson made frantic efforts to make his students become better both academically and morally. Many who were ready for serious academic work easily adjusted but the notorious students were still unruly.

Along the line, Mr. Nelson got information about some stubborn students in the school. He was informed that Skury was the ring leader. He was quite interested in them because he believed they could be productive if proper attention was given to them which he felt would make them become responsible boys and girls. He later invited Skury to his office. He spoke to him about all the allegations that were levied against him which he immediately denied.

Mr. Nelson was surprised that he denied those allegations, because he believed the report that was given to him. But, he advised him to desist from all his evil ways. "I love you and want the beat for you. Hooliganism will lead you to nowhere; instead it can destroy your future. Try ,as much as possible to become a good student.

"I want you to also understand that I do not believe that you're innocent of all these allegations. All I want from you is obedienceand seriousness at your studies. No one is interested in punishing or disturbing innocent students." Skury thanked him for the advice and soon left his office.

Thanks for reading....

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Episode 5

Episode 4

Episode 3

Episode 2

Episode 1

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