Be the Change You Wish to See

The recent nuclear talks looming on the sidelines of our perception have me contemplating threats, the use of force, and love.

Threats work to an extent. America has bombed 25 countries since the end of World War 2. The intentions have been to force these nations into forming more free governments, but these efforts have been largely fruitless. Few of these nations have become more democratic.

A mom can threaten her son into doing his homework by taking away devices, but the boy will only do what is absolutely necessary to gain his gadgets back, and then he will slack off again and the cycle will continue.

The truth is you cannot change anyone. Stop trying- you are wasting your time.

A being has to want to change in order for change to occur. And want it for themselves, not because you tell them it's for the best.

The only person I can change is me. The only person you can change is you.

This paragraph I published here yesterday holds a profound truth.


Love is not selfish. True love, anyway. Love does not hold back, or ask for anything in return. If we show unrestrained compassion and understanding, the receiver of our love will be lifted up. When we love someone exactly as they are, they in turn are naturally compelled to be better to us. One who is loved completely and fully without ulterior motive feels confident, thus empowered to be the best them they can be.

I know it's true love when I want to be a better person for my man. It's real love when I am a better person because I am with him.

This is not selfish, this is the truth that is feeling love and being loved.

Bombs and threats won't change them.

Love freely and without abandon. Be the change you wish to see.

Images via Pixabay

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I love you guys, I really do :) And I truly appreciate your support :)

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